The Space of the Roman World in the “Res gestae divi Augusti”

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod
Address: Russian Federation, Nizhni Novgorod
Journal nameVestnik drevnei istorii
EditionVolume 79 Issue 3

The article deals with the mental-geographical “map” of Roman imperialism, represented in the Res gestae divi Augusti, the richest source for the study of the language of self-description and self-representation of the Roman Empire in the age of the principate. The analysis of the spatial geographical categories used in the text demonstrates how this imperial space was imagined and structured, perceived and described by Augustus. Imperial geography of the Res gestae is carefully elaborated in every detail and, no matter how much it disagrees with real historical circumstances and geographical facts, it is presented in such a way as to convince the reader that Rome has the dominion over the whole world and all of her vast imperial domain is created, protected, and ordered primarily thanks to the unsurpassed accomplishments and efforts of the first princeps. This geography, although using real categories, is largely imaginative, symbolic; within its framework ideological meanings are imbedded in some specific geographical objects and markers, and in their entirety these meanings create irresistible impression of an imperium sine fine, an empire without boundaries in time and space. Five specific features of the spatial characteristics inherent in the Roman world of the Res gestae can be pointed out. First, this world is a dynamic space of the empire, which has gone far beyond the borders of the Republican age. Second, it is a global space that reaches the farthest limits of the oikoumene (orbis terrarum) and is in fact identified with it. Third, this is a pacified and ordered space. Fourth, it is a differentiated, heterogeneous and hierarchical space centered Rome and Italy, the space where Roman citizens dominate the provinces and surpass all other peoples. Fifth, this is a centripetal space subordinated to and orientated towards the will of only one person, the princeps.

KeywordsRoman world, Res gestae divi Augusti, Roman Empire, space, oikoumene, orbis terrarum, emperor Augustus
Publication date18.12.2019
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Система Orphus
