Meddix tuticus as a Magistrate of Ancient Capua

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Voronezh State Pedagogical University
Address: Russian Federation, Voronezh
Journal nameVestnik drevnei istorii
EditionVolume 78 Issue 4

Some issues related to the Samnite magistracy of meddix tuticus remain controversial in modern scholarship. Important evidence about this official can be found in sources related to Capua. Analysis of these literary and epigraphic sources leads to the conclusion that meddix tuticus was the single chief magistrate in Capua in the 5th–3rd centuries B.C., was elected from among the aristocracy for a one-year term and served as an eponym. His area of activity was limited to sacral affairs, and the immediate governance of the city (convening the senate and the popular assembly, city's security, reception of ambassadors, army recruitment). There’s no indication that meddix tuticus was an equivalent to the Roman dictator. He was one of the ordinary republican magistrates, subordinate to the decisions of the senate and the popular assembly, and acting as a mediator between several branches of the city government.

KeywordsCapua, magistrate, meddix tuticus, Samnites, Oscan language, iovile
Publication date23.01.2019
Number of characters37253
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