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1. Budget of the U. S. Government. Fiscal Year 2022. Historical Tables. A) Table 1.3—Summary of Receipts, Outlays, and Surpluses or Deficits (-) in Current Dollars, Constant (FY 2012) Dollars, and as Percentages of GDP: 1940–2026: B) Table 7.1—Federal Debt at the End of Year: 1940–2026; C) Table 8.3—Percentage Distribution of Outlays by Budget Enforcement Act Category: 1962–2026. Available at: (accessed 20.07.2021)
2. Budget of the U. S. Government. Fiscal Year 2022. Analytical Perspectives. Washington, USGPO, 2021, ix + 233 pp.
3. U.S. Treasury. Major Foreign Holders of Treasury Securities (in billions of dollars). Holdings at End of Period. June 15, 2021. Available at: (accessed 20.07.2021)
4. Prezident Rossii. Sessiya onlajn-foruma «Davosskaya povestka dnya 2021». Vladimir Putin vystupil na sessii onlajn-foruma «Davosskaya povestka dnya 2021», organizovannogo Vsemirnym ehkonomicheskim forumom. 27 yanvarya 2021 goda. Moskva, Kreml'. Available at: (accessed 20.07.2021)
5. CRS Report. Introduction to the Federal Budget Process. February 26, 2020. R46240.
6. Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. Eight Gimmicks to Look Out For This iii + 38 pp. Available at: (accessed 20.07.2021) Budget Season. May 16, 2017. 5 pp. Available at: (accessed 20.07.2021).
7. CBO. What is the difference between mandatory and discretionary spending? Available at: (accessed 20.07.2021)
8. The White House. OMB. The President’s FY 2022 Discretionary Request. April 9, 2021. P. 39. Available at: (accessed 20.07.2021)
9. Budget of the U. S. Government. Fiscal Year 2022. Wash: U.S.GPO, 2021, ii + 66 pp.
10. United States Senate Committee on Armed Services. OPEN/CLOSED: Department of Defense Budget Posture in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2022. Secretary of Defense lloyd J.Austin III. Prepared Remarks Before the Senate Armed Services Committee. June 10, 2021. 13 pp. Available at: (accessed 20.07.2021)
11. Stenographic Transcript Before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate. Hearings to Receive Testimony on the Department of Defense Budget Posture in Review of the Defense Authorization request for Fiscal Year 2022. June 10, 2021. 131 pp. Available at: (accessed 20.07.2021)
12. Kennedy S. End the Pentagon’s OCO slush fund. Defense News, October 14, 2020. Available at: (accessed 20.07.2021).
13. United States Department of Defense. Defense Budget Overview. Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Request. Wash.: U.S.GPO, 2021, IV + 144 pp. Kak otmechalos' v iyun'skom doklade Atlanticheskogo soveta, spustya 20 let amerikanskogo voennogo prisutstviya v stranakh Blizhnego i Srednego Vostoka administratsiya Dzh. Bajdena nakonets-to priznala, chto «blizhnevostochnaya politika SShA delala slishkom bol'shoj upor na voennoe prisutstvie i zachastuyu yavlyalas' kontproduktivnoj» (Ashford E. Reality Check #7: Red-teaming the Interim National Security Strategic Guidance. Jun 14, 2021. Available at: (accessed 20.07.2021).
14. CRS.Defense Primer: In Focus. RDT&E. June 14, 2021, 3 pp. Available at: › sgp › crs › natsec.pdf (accessed 20.07.2021).
15. Ashford E. Reality Check #7: Red-teaming the Interim National Security Strategic Guidance. Jun 14, 2021. Available at: (accessed 20.07.2021).
16. The White House. OMB. The President’s FY 2022 Discretionary Request. April 9, 2021. 58 pp. Available at: (accessed 20.07.2021).
17. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Monetaru Policy Report. July 9, 2021. iii + 67 pp. Available at: › files › 2021070 (accessed 20.07.2021).
18. BEA. Gross Domestic Product (Third Estimate), Corporate Profits (Revised Estimate), and GDP by Industry, First Quarter 2021. June 24, 2021. BEA 21-29. 28 pp. Available at: (accessed 20.07.2021)
19. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Money Stock Measures - H.6 Release. June 22, 2021. Tables 1-3. Available at: (accessed 20.07.2021)
20. CBO. Estimated Budgetary Effects of H.R. 1319, American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. March 10, 2021. Cost Estimate. As Passed by the Senate on March 6, 2021. 2 pp. Available at: (accessed 20.07.2021)
21. Williams J. Larry Summers blasts $1.9 T stimulus as 'least responsible economic policy in 40 years. The Hill, 03/20/21. Available at: (accessed 20.07.2021).
22. Does Rising National Debt Portend Rising Inflation? - “St. Louis Fed On The Economy Blog”. March 2, 2021. Available at: (accessed 20.07.2021).
23. Mandelman F. Money Aggregates, Debt, Pent-Up Demand, and Inflation: Evidence from WWII. - “Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta’s Policy Hub”, No. 2021-4, 19 pp.
24. CBO. An Update to the Budget and Economic Outlook: 2021 to 2031. July 1, 2021. 5 pp.; U.S. Department of Treasury. FiscalData. Debt to the Penny. Available at: (accessed 20.07.2021).
25. Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, What Would it Take to Stabilize the Debt? May 21, 2021. Available at: (accessed 20.07.2021).
26. Samuels B. and Lane S. Biden's budget vacancy raises eyebrows. The Hill, 07/20/21. Available at: (accessed 20.07.2021).