Всего подписок: 0, всего просмотров: 1975
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3. Baumgartner J.C., BeckerA.B. (eds.) 2018. Political Humorina Changing Media Landscape: A New Generation of Research. L.: Lexington Books. 352 р.
4. Baumgartner J.С., Morris J.S. (eds.) 2007. Laughing Matters: Humor and American Politics in the Media Age. NY: Routledge. 388 р.
5. Bianculli D. (2009) Dangerously Funny: The Uncensored Story of «The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour». N.Y.: Simon and Schuster. 432 р.
6. Gardner G. (1994) Campaign Comedy: Political Humor from Clinton to Kennedy (Humor in Life and Letters Series). Detroit: Wayne State University. 256р.
7. Kaplan A. (2015) Saturday Night Live: Shaping TV Comedy and American Culture. NY. 21st Century Books 64 p.
8. Lighter R.S., Baumgartner J.С., Morris J.S. 2014. Politics Is a Joke!: How TV Comedians Are Remaking Political Life. NY, L.: Routledge. 272 р.
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11. Peterson R.L. (2009). Strange Bedfellows: How Late-Night Comedy Turns Democracy into a Joke. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press. 280 р.
12. Peterson R.L. (2005). Strange Bedfellows: The Politics of Late-Night Television Comedy. PhD thesis, Iowa: the University of Iowa, 293 р.
13. Phillips D.T. (2008). The Clinton Charisma: A Legacy of Leadership. NY: St. Martin's Griffin. 256 р.
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16. Robinson P. M. (2010) The Dance of the Comedians: The People, the President, and the Performance of Political Stand-Up Comedy in America. Amherst and Boston: University of Massachusetts Press. 272 р.
17. Rubin L.D. (1997) The Great American Joke // The Humor Prism in 20th Century American Society. Ed. J. Boskin. Wayne State University Press: 33–46.
18. Silverman D. S. (2007) You Can’t Air That: Four Cases of Controversy and Censorship in American Television Programming. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press. 181 р.
19. Whitfield S.J. (1985) Richard Nixon as a Comic Figure. American Quarterly. (Spring), 37 (1). Special Issue: American Humor. Р. 114–132.
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