Socio-Cultural Threats and Risks in Contemporary Russia

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Head of the Chair of Political Sociology and Psychology, Faculty of Political Science
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Occupation:  Chair of Political Sociology and Psychology, Faculty of Political Science
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya

ociety, economy and the state”» (agreement No. 14.601.21.0018 of October 23, 2017). Abstract. The problem of the socio-cultural threats in contemporary Russia is actualized today by many factors that are related both to objective socio-political processes and to subjective reactions to them by citizens. The multidimensionality of the socio-cultural sphere determines the complexity of this problem and its solution. The approach, discussed in this article, is aimed to identify the sources of threats, their contents and the objects to which they are directed. The latter are state, society and personality. The source of threats in the social sphere are structural dysfunctions of the society: social splits, inequality, identity crisis, structural imbalance in professional, ethnic and other social groups. Threats to the socium can also be caused by psychological dysfunctions: anxiety, anomie, lack of solidarity, unsatisfied security demand for social justice, a state of uncertainty and the absence of long-term prospects. The main characteristic of the cultural and spiritual sphere today is the multiculturalism that has emerged as a result of globalization, westernization, massification, technologization, etc., and is characterized by the mixture of different cultures. This has obvious positive consequences in the form of enriching the culture and building of the global trends. However, this creates problems too: a threat to national traditions in culture as the base of steady political development. The development of the identified problems in the socio-cultural sphere in the future can have both negative consequences for the Russian state and society, and lead to positive changes.

Keywordssociocultural sphere, threats, state, society, personality, psychological state of society, identity, westernization
AcknowledgmentWith the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the project «Development of a forecast for the implementation of the priority of scientific and technological development defined in paragraph 20d of the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation “Counteracting technogenic, biogenic, socio-cultural threats, terrorism and ideological extremism, as well as cyber threats and other sources of danger for society, economy and the state”» (agreement No. 14.601.21.0018 of October 23, 2017).
Publication date29.11.2018
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