Victimization of Contemporary Russians

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Address: USA
Affiliation: Smartdec
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 9

The article shows results of the Russian Victimization Telephone Survey on a representative sample. It was conduct in 2018 by the Institute for Law Enforcement Problems at the European University at St. Petersburg (N = 16818). The identified level of victimization (17.8% for the last 5 years before the survey, 7.6% per year) is lower than in European countries, although several times higher than the official statistics of registered crimes in Russia. At the same time, only about half of the victims apply to Law Enforcement agencies, in less than a quarter of cases a criminal or administrative case was initiated, and only in 7.6% the cases have reached to court. Only 6% of the victims have received material compensation, and 2/3 of them have received it without a trial process. The number of satisfied victims is significantly less than the number of respondents who applied to Law Enforcement agencies and were recognized as victims. The results of the survey demonstrate essential problems in the work both The Russian Law Enforcement agencies and Courts in protecting the rights of citizens affected by crime.

Keywordscrime, victimization, institutional trust, protection of human rights
Publication date29.09.2022
Number of characters9885
100 rub.
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