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1. Afanasiev Yu.A. (ed.) (1988) Nothing Else is Given. Moscow: Progress. (In Russ.)
2. Gorbachev M.S. (1987) Perestroika for our Country and for the Whole World. Moscow: Politizdat. (In Russ.) Gorbachev M.S. (1989) The Socialist Idea and Revolutionary Perestroika. Kommunist [Communist].No. 18: 3–20. (In Russ.)
3. Korshunov M.M., Kochetkova M.V. (2014) Historiography of the Soviet Collapse. Gumanitarnye nauchnye issledovaniya [Humanities Scientific Researches]. No. 6. URL: (accessed 28.05.2021). (In Russ.)
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7. Novokreshchenov A.V. (2020) Nomenclature as Personnel Technology and a Mechanism of State Administration (regarding Yu.A. Nisnevich’s article). Sotsiologicheskiye issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. No. 1: 132–137. DOI: 10.31857/S013216250008331-7. (In Russ.)
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10. Rumyantseva N.M. (ed.) (2016) Russian Economy: Isolation and Stability. On the 25th Anniversary of Market Reforms. Iss. 83. Moscow: Nikitskiy Klub. (In Russ.)
11. Semenov E.V. (2021) A Failed Reform of Science. EKO [ECO]. No. 3: 122–139. DOI: 10.30680/ECO0131- 7652-2021-3-122-139. (In Russ.)
12. Semenov E.V. (1993) Meaning of Things Happening, Contours of Things Coming. Alma mater. No. 5.
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14. Toshchenko Zh.T. (2015) Phantoms of a Russian Society. Moscow: TsSPiM. (In Russ.)
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16. Kommunist [Communist]. No. 8: 12–13. (In Russ.)
17. Yaremenko Yu.V. (1998) Economic Conversations. Recorded by S.A. Belanovsky. Moscow: TsIS. (In Russ.)