Global Crises of the XXI Century Exposes the Contradictions of the Modern Socio-Economic Model

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Director of S.Y. Witte Institute for New Industrial Development, President of Free Economic Society of Russia, President of International Union of Economists
Affiliation: S.Y. Witte Institute for New Industrial Development
Address: Russian Federation,
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 10

The main focus of the article is a systemic crisis, which the pandemic has only intensified, and the fact that these crises, reinforced by the pandemic, expose the contradictions and the need for a qualitative, albeit gradual transformation of the existing system towards noonomy. The logic of the article is subordinated to this task. Based on previous studies of the author, his predecessors and colleagues, the article reveals the contradictions of the modern social system, leading to deepening social inequality, inability to use the new wave of the technological revolution to solve global problems, destructive trends in the consumption model and the people’s lifestyle that cause financialization. world crises, aggravation of global problems. Overcoming these contradictions is seen on the transition to a new quality of social production and orientation on the development of the human qualities. New technologies create the material basis in to go away from the economic criteria of production activity and move towards noonomy – a social production system that is under the control of the human mind and focused on cultural criteria.

Keywordseconomic crisis, social inequality, finansialization, technological revolution, noonomy, human development, culture
Publication date18.12.2020
Number of characters29064
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