About Socio-Economic Activity of Elderly People

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Senior Researcher
Affiliation: Institute for Complex Analysis of Regional Problems Far Eastern Branch Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Birobidzhan
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 1

Among the many pressing social problems in Russia that require scientific understanding and practical solutions are the issues of socio-economic activity of the elderly population. There is an objective need for the integration of older people in the socio-economic space of the region. In addition, in the context of a decrease in the share of the working-age population and an increase in the socio-demographic structure of the elderly, it is important to consolidate the state and employers to develop measures to increase the labor activity of older people.  As a result of the study, we found that the socio-economic activity of older people can be carried out in three directions: financial behavior, the practice of subsistence farming and direct employment. The dependence of socio-economic activity of older people on such indicators as age, place of residence, level of education and professional status before the onset of old age. The peculiarity of the work of older people is that it is an additional income that allows to improve their financial situation, financially support children and grandchildren, giving the opportunity to realize professional skills and communication with colleagues, the desire to be useful to society. In general, employers have a positive attitude to the employment of older citizens, noting their specific qualities that are not always inherent in young colleagues (professional skills, experience and knowledge, diligence, responsibility and diligence). However, older people are inferior to young colleagues in such qualities as initiative, speed of solving tasks, efficiency. Experts note the need for state support, both employers and older citizens aimed at improving the working conditions of older citizens (development of programs for retraining and retraining of older citizens in the profession, adequately reflecting the current needs of the labor market; creating contacts between different departments and employers; the formation of information and educational centers relevant to the region orientation; organization of an effective system of economic incentives).

Keywordssocial and economic activity, labor activity, labor market, elderly people, financial practices, professional qualities, employment, unemployment, state preferences
Publication date10.03.2020
Number of characters9854
100 rub.
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