Nomenclature as Personnel Technology and Mechanism of Public Administration («Regarding the article by Yu. A. Nisnevich)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Prof. of the Department of state and municipal administration
Affiliation: Siberian Institute – branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Address: Russian Federation, Novosibirsk
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 1

The article discusses the wrong, in the author's opinion, understanding by Yu.A. Nisnevich, of the nomenclature essence of the Soviet period, presented in the “Sociological studies” journal No. 8, 2018. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, on the wave of perestroika and “openness” in our country, there was an active process of "exposing crimes" of the Soviet period. Especially fierce criticism fell on the nomenclature,  regarded as the new exploiting class in the USSR. Yu.A. Nisnevich accepts this understanding of nomenclature and shows the process of supposed regeneration of this layer in post-soviet conditions as an unchanged and even more criminalized group. Not agreeing with this approach, the author shows its fallacy and considers it completely inapplicable to the current ruling stratum. Actually it was a personnel technology connected with responsibility of party committees for the positioning and activity of economic heads and heads of social institutions.

Keywordsnomenclature, social ruling stratum, personnel technology, party work, party committees
Publication date10.03.2020
Number of characters17680
100 rub.
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