Class Warfare in France: Neo-Marxist Interpretation of Social Protests

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Depatment Head, M. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 10

The article raises the question of how applicable the findings of the Marxist doctrine might be in analyzing modern-day social events, including the yellow vests protest movement in France; compares the presidential campaigns of Emmanuel Macron and the Socialist Party during the 2017 French presidential election; discloses the optional and superfluous nature of labor in public life as well as other unprecedented ideas in the campaign of the Socialist Party; the win of E. Macron at the presidential election is considered as a win of public image over election program; the present French protests are compared to the events of May 1968 and the autonomous far-left anarchist movement of 2008; the Marxist formula of surplus value is adjusted for the post-industrial era; new ideas are outlined in the interpretation of historical records of implementing the ideas of K. Marx in practice; reasons are provided for a possible new "communist utopia" based on planned economy and using the benefits of the algorithmic society.

Keywordsmarxism, surplus value, social protest, algorithmic society, market economy, planned economy, neoliberalism, noosphere, limits to growth, consumer society, affluent society
Publication date13.10.2019
Number of characters36485
100 rub.
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