«Life-cycle Stage» as a Determinant of Personal Subjective Wellbeing

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Senior lecturer
Affiliation: Russian State University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Occupation: Chief Researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Sociology FCTAS RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 8

The article substantiates a dominant role of “life-cycle stage” for examination specificity of personal subjective wellbeing/social wellbeing. For this purpose it is suggested a procedure of secondary conceptualization of two surveys data (European Social Survey (2012) and Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey – HSE (2017)). This procedure includes a distinction of different types of interconnections between indicators of subjective wellbeing / ill-being; construction of index “life-cycle stage”; development of a data analysis logical scheme. General subjective wellbeing is measured by “logical” index based on life satisfaction and happiness. Specific subjective wellbeing is measured by indicators and indices, which are derived from factorization of variables, representing subjective wellbeing in life domains. The index “life-cycle stage” is based on age, marital status, children and their age or place of living. Data analysis includes identification of groups, which are homogeneous in terms of the life-cycle stage; examination of interconnection between general and specific subjective well-being by parallel use of Cramer’s coefficient and logical-combinatorial method (JSM-method). Comparison of specificity of this interconnection for selected groups allows concluding about the dominant role of life-cycle stage for personal subjective well-being.

Keywordslife-cycle stage, personal subjective well-being, general subjective well-being, specific subjective well-being, interconnection of indicators, JSM-method, Cramer’s coefficient
Publication date12.08.2019
Number of characters33862
100 rub.
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