Development of Evolutionary Neurosociology: Behavioral Biograms and Biological Predisposition to Social Inequality

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Assoc. Prof., Faculty of Humanities and Social Technologies
Affiliation: Ulyanovsk State University
Address: Russian Federation, Ulyanovsk
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 9

In recent years, there is growth of interest for neurobiology, neuroscience, behavioral genetics, evolutionary biology, social neuroscience for the traditional problems of sociology. The mechanisms of dominance hierarchy (in sociology it is known as a problem of social inequality) is one of the issues that has caught attention of these disciplines. Although the results are relevant, they are largely ignored by social scientists. Exceptional attempts are the efforts of those sociologists who work in such new areas as neurosociology and evolutionary sociology. In this article, taking into account the results of their research, I apply evolutionary theory together with the findings of neuroscience to the problem of social inequality. I analyzed behavioral biograms (biological predispositions of certain social behavior) –  aggressive, mother-infant bonding, hierarchy, male domination, incest avoidance, territoriality –  as an evolutionary source of social inequality in modern society.

Keywordsevolutionary sociology, sociobiology, behavioral biogrammar, hierarchy, social inequality, gender inequality
Publication date09.11.2018
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