Functions of Citations from The Tale Of Igor's Campaign in Yury Tynyanov’s Novel Death of the Vazir-Mukhtar

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1, bild. 51, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Journal nameIzvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka
EditionVolume 78 issue 3

There are three epigraphs from “The Tale of Igor's Campaign” in Yurij Tynyanov's novel “The Death of the Wazir-Mukhtar”. In two cases the quotations then vary and are repeated in the text of the corresponding chapters. The functions of these quotations are diverse: they are signs –  forerunners of future events, they reveal what is happening in the hero’s subconscious, they give the deeply symbolic meaning the events describing by author. Two quotations from “The Tale” are signs of improperly direct speech, both fragments can be interpreted as a kind of Griboedov’s internal monologues faces. Accordingly, it is permissible to assume that the reader should understand the pop-up quotes from “The Tale” as the work of consciousness and subconsciousness (in a state of sleep or drowsiness) of a hero trying to remember and put together “The Tale”, which is associated for him with the homeland, and with his wife. At the same time the medieval text should be understood as a kind of pratext, the “ideal” text and source of all Russian literature, as a text that gives the hero a language to describe and comprehend his fate. Tynyanov treats “The Tale about Igor's Campaign” as a work of a mythopoetic nature long before this interpretation was established in philology.

Keywords“The Tale about Igor's Campaign”, “The Death of the Wazir-Mukhtar”, reminiscences, functions, absurdity, symbolics, mythopoetics
Publication date24.06.2019
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