Reeducating Narcissus in “An Ordinary Story” by I. A. Goncharov

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Independent scientist
Address: Hu-1114, Budapest, XI. ker., Hamzsabégi u. 33. sz. II/8. a
Journal nameIzvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka
EditionVolume 81 Issue 2

Thе article juxtaposes psychological constitutions of Aduev Jr. from the novel “An Ordinary Story” and the character of the literary type “superfluous man”. The psychological aspect of the given type is combined with motifs from the mythologeme’s sujet about Narcissus. Narcissism and egocentricity mark the upbringing of the figure in Goncharov’s novel. Dualism and mirror likeness determine the structure of the novel. An approach to the recognition of the Narcissistic feature of the figure’s character preconditions the author’s intention.

KeywordsRussian novel hero, superfluous man, Narcissism, Ovidius, mirror in literature
AcknowledgmentThe presented research has been realised owing to the support of the grant of the Hungarian Academy of Arts (Magyar Művészeti Akadémia) in the framework of the project MMA 1785-8/2020. The author expresses his gratitude for the support
Publication date25.04.2022
Number of characters59966
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