On the characterization of relations between Moscow and the Left-Bank Hetmanate in the early 70s of the 17th century (Hetman Ivan Samoylovich’s «warnings»)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: head of department of history of Middle ages
Affiliation: Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Journal nameSlavianovedenie
EditionIssue 2

The article describes the conflict relations between Moscow and the Left-Bank Hetmanate during the negotiations between the Russian government and Petro Doroshenko. The author characterizes the positions of both sides, hetman Samoylovich's weighty objections up to refusal to obey the tsar's decision, as well as the soft position of the Russian side, which did not blame the hetman for such statements and convinced him that the agreement with Doroshenko would not harm him and the Left Bank. This shows that the Russian side saw in the Left Bank Hetmanate an important partner with whom mutual understanding should be ensured.

KeywordsRussian government, hetman of the Left-bank Ukraine, P. Doroshenko, I. Samoylovich, Russian-Ukrainian relations in the 17th century
Publication date11.05.2022
Number of characters20793
100 rub.
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