The Word Most in the Light of Active Processes of Russian Speech (Grammaticalization, Iidiomatization and Pragmaticalization)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: St. Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, St. Petersburg State University
Journal nameRusskaya Rech’
EditionIssue 2

The article is devoted to comparison of the traditional lexicographic description of the word samyj and its actual use, in the light of active processes of Russian spontaneous speech. Change is the driving force of language. Linguistic transformations are directly related to a number of active processes in modern speech, which often contribute to a change in the categorial status of the original unit. In this regard, processes such as grammaticalization, idiomatization and pragmaticalization are of particular interest. All of them operate synchronously and simultaneously and are obviously related to each other, and by paying close attention to the results of these processes we can see the diversity of functional possibilities of any unit. The source material for the present study was various dictionaries and the corpus of everyday Russian speech “One Speech Day”. As a result of all the active processes, the pronoun samyj becomes either a formative particle in the superlative form (samyj bystryj, samaya vysokaya), or an intensifier in analytical constructions (do samoj poslednej minuty, vozle samogo metro), or a component of a phraseologyсal unit (samoe plevoe delo, samoe to), or a component of a fixed expression with idiomatic potential (samoe modnoe, to zhe samoe, tem samym), or a pragmatic marker (eto samoe). Some lexical and grammatical characteristics of units created under the influence of active processes in modern speech are placed in peripheral zones of dictionary entries, while others are omitted in dictionaries altogether. At present, it is possible to set the task of creating a new academic descriptive dictionary that would take into account the cognitively necessary information and represent the entire diversity of each linguistic unit’s usage in the Russian language and oral speech.

Keywordslexicographic tradition, grammaticalization, idiomatization, pragmaticalization, spontaneous speech
Publication date24.06.2022
Number of characters20895
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