Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Senior Researcher
Affiliation: A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation,
Journal nameRusskaia literatura

The article analyzes the discussions concerning the prospects of publishing the Persian epic Shahnameh at the meetings of the Eastern Department of Vsemirnaya Literatura Publishing House in 1919. Based on the data from A. M. Gorky Archives, Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the chronology of the consideration of proposals for the translation of Firdousi’s epos, as well as of the discussions between the two reviewers, two employees of the Vsemirnaya Literatura Publishing House, N. S. Gumilyov and F. A. Rosenberg, have been reconstructed. As the result of this debate, N. S. Gumilyov came up with a suggestion to re-translate Shahnameh.

KeywordsShahnameh, Firdousi, N. S. Gumilyov, S. I. Sokolov, F. A. Rosenberg, Vsemirnaya Literatura Publishing house
Publication date01.03.2023
Number of characters30758
100 rub.
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