Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Doctoral Student
Affiliation: University of Tartu
Address: Estonia,
Journal nameRusskaia literatura

The article focuses on the busts of Alexander I and the Russian poetic reception of the sculptural portrait in the first third of the 19th century. Consideration of this sculptural genre from a political and cultural perspective, combined with the analysis of the Russian poetry on busts, helps to reveal numerous contradictions that accompanied the formation of the image of the Russian emperor in sculpture. The most profound poetic response to these contradictions turns out to be «To the Bust of the Conqueror» by Alexander Pushkin.

Keywordsbusts of Alexander I, Pushkin’s «To the Bust of the Conqueror» (K Biustu Zavoevatelia), representation of Alexander I, sculptural portrait, poems on busts, Alexander I and Napoleon.
Publication date01.06.2022
Number of characters45067
100 rub.
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