Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor
Affiliation: National Research University Higher School of Economics
Address: Russian Federation,
Journal nameRusskaia literatura
EditionIssue 2

The article focuses on the two notions recurrent in Boris Poplavsky’s late-period oeuvre, namely the «Paradise and Kingdom of friends» and the «Republic of the Sun». These are linked to Friedrich Hölderlin’s poetical philosophy, which solicited vivid interest among the German and French poets of the 1910-1930s. It is assumed that the semantic aura of the image of the flag, one of the most frequent in Poplavsky, might have been formed in a «dialogue» with Hölderlin’s key poem Hälfte des Lebens. Besides, the poem Quietly the City Rustles, which holds a place of prominence in his posthumous collection Snowy Hour (1936), seems to be an imitation of the first stanza of Hölderlin’s famous elegy Brot und Wein.

KeywordsBoris Poplavsky, Friedrich Hölderlin, informal communities, the poetic image of the flag, the poem Quietly the City Rustles.
Publication date04.06.2021
Number of characters62528
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