Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Chief Researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskij Dom), Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation,
Journal nameRusskaia literatura
EditionIssue 4

The article discusses the part of the literary heritage of Archpriest Avvakum that relates to the preaching genre. The content of Avvakum’s Teachings, included in the Book of Conversations and the Book of Interpretations is subjected to research analysis. As a prerequisite for the writer’s preaching work, Avvakum’s oral teaching activities of the pre-Pustozersk period of his life are outlined. It is shown that the style of Avvakum’s preaching writings was influenced by four types of verbal elements, him being equally immersed in all of them until the end of his days: the style of the Holy Scriptures, the style of the liturgical texts and liturgical hymnography, the style of the Old Russian bookish language and the style of the Russian spoken language with its characteristic «vernacular» flow. The bold combination of these four elements, manifested primarily in the genre of free sermon, turns Avvakum into a highly innovative writer.

KeywordsArchpriest Avvakum, Old Believers, Book of Conversations, Book of Interpretations, Old Russian literature.
Publication date08.12.2020
Number of characters57202
100 rub.
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