Political parties of Russia in the early 20th century as a historiographical problem

Код статьиS086956870014174-2-1
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Аффилиация: Institute of Russian History, RAS
Адрес: Russian Federation, Moscow
Institute of Russian History, RAS
National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
Адрес: Russian Federation, Moscow
Название журналаРоссийская история
ВыпускВыпуск 1


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Источник финансированияThe article was prepared with the support of the RFBR, project No. 20-09-00105. This article is a translation of: V.V. Shelokhaev, K.A. Solovyov. Political parties of Russia in the early 20th century as a historiographical problem. Rossiiskaia Istoria. 2021. № 1. P. 139–150. DOI: 10.31857/S086956870013450-6.
Дата публикации18.03.2021
Кол-во символов50075
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1 The history of political parties in Russia during the beginning of the XX century is a key problem of native and foreign historiography, this is quite naturally. The emergence of new actors on the political scene in this period is evidence that an age-old drama of the relationship between power and society was approaching culmination1. 1. Shelokhaev V. V., Solovyov K. A. Political parties of Russia during the beginning of the XX century. Features of the phenomenon and prospects of study // Russia XXI. 2019. No. 5. Pp. 10-27.

Researches, which were discussing Russian political parties, went to analyzing literature mostly from the Soviet periods and before October revolution2. We focus in the present paper on a tracing main tendencies of modern native historiography, we take in account in this discussion that it was no easy matter for scholars to leave old dogmas in order that to get understanding this political and social phenomenon as Russian political parties. First of all, writing of the history of the parties changed in the way of main changes of the historiography. Parties, including just the small ones, and best of all party systems reflected the political situation in Russia during the beginning XX centuries, we could say parties mirrored asynchronous and heterogeneous development of Russia. A historian had to assess the overall situation in the country and he did not want maybe to do this as he was characterizing a life of political parties. Secondly, taking in account many studies, which have appeared in the last three decades (monographs, articles, theses), we concentrate on innovative approaches in this case. We can understand the qualitative changes in the understanding the political history of this period summarizing achievements of Russian researchers from the mid-1980s to now days.

2. Shelokhaev V. V. Results and tasks of studying Russian bourgeois parties in modern Soviet literature / / Non-proletarian parties of Russia in the years of the Bourgeois-democratic revolution and in the period of the going up of the Socialist Revolution. Moscow, 1982. Pp. 74–81; Volobuev O. V., Leonov M. I., Utkin A. I., Shelokhaev V. V. History of political parties of the period of the First Russian Revolution in the newest Soviet literature / / Voprosy istorii. 1985. No. 7. pp. 52–67; Kanishcheva N. I., Pridvorova T. P., Shelokhaev V. V. The Party of the Bolsheviks in the years of the First Russian Revolution. Criticism of the latest bourgeois historiography // Questions of the History of the CPSU. 1985. No. 12. pp. 87—100; Kanishcheva N. I., Pridvorova T. P., Shelokhaev V. V. The Bolshevik Party in the years of reaction and the new Revolutionary upsurge // Questions of the history of the CPSU. 1988. No. 7. pp. 82–98; Volobuev O. V., Leonov M. I., Utkin A. I., Shelokhaev V. V. History of political parties in Russia 1907–1914 in Soviet historiography // Questions of history. 1989. No. 4. pp. 147–160; Kanishcheva N. I., Leonov M. I., Pavlov D. B., Stepanov S. A., Shelokhaev V. V. Political parties in 1905–1907 (Review of the latest non-Marxist historiography) / / History of the USSR. 1989. No. 6. Pp. 180–195; Volobuev O. V., Miller V. I., Shelokhaev V. V. Non-Proletarian parties of Russia: results of the study and unsolved problems / / Non-proletarian parties of Russia in three revolutions. M., 1989. pp. 5–20; Agafonov O. V., Kanishcheva N. I., Morozova E. G. Western non-Marxist historiography of the RSDLP. Main directions, research centers, archives. M., 1989; Shelokhaev V. V. Mnogopartiynost v Rossii: istoriya i sovremennost ' [Multiparty System in Russia: history and modernity]. The difficult search for a solution. Issue 1. Moscow, 1992. pp. 141–159; Gusev K. V., Miller V. I. The system of political parties in Russia. To the formulation of the question / / Centaur. 1992. November–December; Political history of Russia in parties and persons. Moscow, 1993; Shelokhaev V. V. Mnogopartiynost’, vyshevshaya v vozdukh [Multiparty system, hanging in the air]. 1993. No. 6. pp. 166–171; Shelokhaev V. V. Political parties of domestic entrepreneurs: history and modernity / / Renewal of Russia: a difficult search for solutions. Issue 2. M., 1994. pp. 182–188; Kokonenko A. The Party of Socialist Revolutionaries in 1901–1922. The problem of historiography. Tyumen, 2004; Shelokhaev V. V. Political parties in the First Russian Revolution: problems of further study // Russian history. 2016. No. 4. pp. 101–109; Shelokhaev V. V. Discussion about the type of political party in the Russian intellectual sphere / / Russian multiparty system and Russian Crises of the XX–XXI centuries. Collection of scientific articles and materials of round tables. Issue 6. Moscow, 2016. pp. 344–350; Shelokhaev V. V. Reforming of the party political space in Russia in 1917. 2017. No. 2. pp. 22–41; Shelokhaev V. V. Political parties in 1917 (Results of study and research tasks) / / 1917. State. Power. Territory. Reports of the international scientific conference on October 25, 2017. Moscow, 2017. pp. 379–387; Egorov A. N. Essays on the historiography of Russian Liberalism at the end of the XIX – first quarter of the XX century (pre-revolutionary and Soviet periods). Cherepovets, 2007; Egorov A. N. Russian Liberals of the Early twentieth century and Power: historiographical discussions. Cherepovets, 2007.

There were tendencies to revise the ideological conceptual ideas of the “Short Course” CPSU’s history in the 1960s and 1970s. The Twentieth congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1956) became an undoubted milestone after which the emergence of a “new course” in historical science became possible. Scholars, which followed the “new course", expanded the scope of research. The Scholars discussed the diversity in the Russian economy in the beginning of the XX century, the heterogeneity of the post-reform society; they stroke the question of the proletariat’s hegemony and its allies on the democratic stage of the revolution in Russia. It is obvious, there was a need to expand the circle of subject within the study of political parties. There were at the turn of the 1970s and 1980s researches which contained studies of “landlord”, “bourgeois”, “petty-bourgeois” parties, as well as various anarchist groups, although the studies stood within Marxist approaches which used the appropriate terminology. Despite the fact of Marxism’s domination in a vast majority of cases of statements about political associations, the appeal to new archival sources in the way of the expansion of the circle of subjects (this had a high significance) allowed to the scholars, which met this goal, to present the activities of the parties from a different perspective. As a result, there were in the shadow of accepted ideological names, for example, “The Struggle of the Bolsheviks against...”, findings which lay far beyond the usual Soviet historiographical frames. The scholars came to conclusion that the political process in the Russian Empire of the early XX century was not linear and this process did not contain obvious activity of political parties, this conclusion became in opposition to previous views on the subject.

4 Scientists pushed forward an idea of improvement the study of political parties in Russian Empire, scholars outlined this conceptual idea during the late 1970s and early 1980s by numerous All-Union scientific conferences held by the Scientific Council on the History of the Great October Socialist Revolution, headed by Academician I. I. Mints. The group of researchers of V. V. Komin, K. V. Gusev, L. M. Spirin, V. I. Miller, G. Z. Ioffe, N. G. Dumova, O. V. Volobuev, S. V. Tyutyukin, V. P. Buldakov, and V. V. Shelokhaev proposed to start preparing a collective generalizing monograph on the history of Russian non-proletarian parties at a scientific conference held in 1982 in Kalinin. The scholars stroke a plan of this book and formed a collective of authors.
5 The preparation of the monograph turned out to be a difficult task. At first, this was supposed to be published in two volumes. The manuscript was submitted by the Publishing house “Thought”, with which K. V. Gusev had a preliminary agreement. The editors of "Thought" red the manuscript and decided to take no chances and sent the text of the book to the Department of Science of the Central Committee of the CPSU. As Gusev sad, the publication of the two-volume book on the history of non-proletarian parties met objections of the Department of Science of the Central Committee of the CPSU. To save the project of the book, Gusev had to resort to a help of persons close to the leadership of the Central Committee of the party. Although the authors had not got approval to publish the book, officials recommended to issue only one volume.

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Оценка читателей: голосов 0

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