World trends in the development of health tourism

Код статьиS221979310019322-7-1
Тип публикации Статья
Статус публикации Опубликовано
Должность: Associate Professor of the Department of Geography
Аффилиация: Luhansk State Pedagogical University
Адрес: Lugansk, Lugansk
Название журналаПсковский регионологический журнал
ВыпускТом 18. №2/2022

This paper deals with investigation of world trends development in health tourism. The definition of health tourism is disclosed. The main methods and directions of world health tourism trends development are explored. The role of health treatment purposes among the main reasons for international people travelling is revealed. The different reasons to visit other regions and countries are highlighted. The main directions of health tourism in the world are analyzed. The main types of services needed by tourists in the international health sector are systemized. The main statistical indicators for world health tourism market development are observed. The number of health tourism arrivals, receipts and expenditures are calculated. The main health tourism trends in 2022 explored by Medical Tourism Association are highlighted. The most recent trends of global Wellness tourism development prepared by GWI Global Wellness Economy Monitor are investigated. The main wellness and SPA world tourism trends in different regions of the world are highlighted. The world's top wellness destinations in 2022 are revealed. The most visited health tourism and wellness destinations in the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Finland, Serbia, Costa Rica, Turkey, Jordan, Israel, Iran, United Arab Emirates, China, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore and Thailand are explored. The main health tourism trends development in above mentioned countries are investigated. The forecasting of worlds trends development in health tourism is proposed.

Ключевые словаhealth tourism, Wellness, SPA, health destination, scientific forecasting
Дата публикации22.06.2022
Кол-во символов29625
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1 Introduction. Every year the popularity of health tourism is growing, and more and more people around the world are discovering new opportunities for this type of tourism. Therefore, health tourism performs all important social functions related to treatment, disease prevention and various activities aimed at protecting the health of the population. From an economic point of view, the introduction of this type of tourism for the state this is what allows you to enter new markets for tourism services and, thus, to receive more income.
2 Yet, the health tourism segment is still not well defined, with differences based on geographical and linguistic characteristics and the large and wide variety of related cultural traditions. Furthermore, data is fragmented and limited.
3 Health tourism is considered nowadays to be an emerging, global, complex and rapidly changing segment that needs to be comprehended to a greater extent in order to leverage opportunities and better address challenges.
4 The purpose of the study is a deep analysis of world trends in the development of health tourism, identification of their problems and investigation of different opportunities and prospects for further development.
5 The objectives of the study include: investigations of health tourism definition; the substantiation of the main methods and directions of world health tourism trends development; researching the role of health treatment purposes among the main reasons for international people travelling; systemization of the main directions of health tourism development in the world as well as the main types of services needed by tourists in the international health sector; statistical investigation of the world health tourism market development; observation of the main health tourism trends in 2022 and the most recent trends of global Wellness tourism development; systematization of the main wellness and SPA world tourism trends in different regions of the world; revealing the world's top wellness destinations in 2022; substantiation of the main health tourism trends development as well as forecasting of worlds trends development in health tourism.
6 Scientific state of problem knowledge and the novelty of the study. The analysis of recent scientific publications showed that investigations of world health tourism trends development are proposed by different famous Ukrainian scientists: A. A. Beydyk, O. A. Lyubitseva, V. S. Kylivnuk, T. I. Tkachenko and others. In particular, the peculiarities of location and organization of world health tourism destinations are disclosed in the works of V. V. Baev, O. M. Kravets, A. A. Ryabev, A. Levchenko and also P. M. Gahlinger, M. D. Horowitz, J. A Rosensweig. C. A. Jones, O. Tompkins and others. However, further investigation of world health tourism trends development will be connected with researches of possible ways for improving the health tourism services in different destinations all over the world.
7 Research information base. The proposed investigation is based on free analytical, statistical and informational papers downloaded from open-access Internet resources of the Global Wellness Institute, Global Spa Summit, UNWTO, Medical Travel Market, Medical Tourism Association Magazine, as well as from a number of free open-access bulletins of different national and international companies and organizations related to tourism development researches. We have used the number of qualitative and quantitative methods. The process of the scientific research is based on the review of existed literature on this topic, analysis of current state and further development of world health tourism destinations. The next research methods were used: analysis, synthesis, statistical analysis, comparison, chart’s creation, mapping. In this scientific work the new forecasting of world heath tourism trends development was explored as well as the complex of improvement measures for health tourism industry was proposed.
8 The results of investigation. The hospitality industry recognized the growing demand and interest in health or wellbeing, and an increasing number of operators either have reshaped their services or launched new brands adapted to the new demand trend (e. g., in the form of healthy options) [11].
9 Health, wellness and medical tourism have grown exponentially in recent years and are becoming increasingly relevant in many established and emerging destinations around the world [5].
10 Health tourism is considered nowadays to be an emerging, global, complex and rapidly changing segment that needs to be comprehended to a greater extent in order to leverage opportunities and better address challenges [16].
11 International tourism statistics show that the purpose of travel for health is among the main reasons for people to visit other regions and countries (Fig. 1). Moreover, if for statistics, the world is dominated by travel for leisure purposes, then for the Middle East (Iraq, Lebanon, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc.) it is dominated by travel to visit relatives and friends, religious and importantly, wellness1. 1. 60+ Medical tourism statistics. How big is medical tourism market? URL:

всего просмотров: 259

Оценка читателей: голосов 0

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Рисунок 2. Основные виды услуг, необходимых туристам в сфере международного здравоохранения. (fig_2.xlsx, 14 Kb) [Скачать]

Рисунок 3. Направления оздоровительного туризма. (fig3.png, 94 Kb) [Скачать]

Рисунок 1. Причины посетить другие регионы и страны. (fig1.xlsx, 17 Kb) [Скачать]

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