Perception of border cooperation and the nature of relationship with the neighboring countries by residents of border regions (on the example of Pskov region)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Intern Researcher
Affiliation: National Research University Higher School of Economics
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Occupation: Student
Affiliation: Higher School of Economics
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Occupation: Master student
Affiliation: Pskov State University
Address: Russian Federation, Pskov
Journal namePskov Journal of Regional Studies
EditionIssue 4 (44)

In the modern world, the state border acts not only as an international legal institution, but is also a product of border areas residents’ activities and one of the most important markers of ethnic and political identity. The purpose of the study — assessment of the perception by border regions residents of Pskov of the development level and the nature of relationship with neighboring countries (Estonia and Latvia), as well as an evaluation of the territorial mobility of residents. As the object of research, municipalities of the Pskov region, bordering with neighboring states, were selected. To analyze the assessment of the effectiveness of cross-border cooperation by border regions residents, a formalized survey method was used, in which 150 respondents from border municipalities took part. Results visualization was performed using a statistical method (construction of graphs and tables in IBM SPSS). A significant part of the respondents is not aware of the existing programs of cross-border cooperation, although the majority of people believe that such cooperation should be encouraged. The respondents named the political situation in Western countries and the lack of agreements between the countries bordering Russia at the federal level as problems that do not allow sufficiently developing cross-border cooperation. Territorial mobility of the respondents is low, and the attitude of respondents to the residents of neighboring countries virtually does not depend on their political preferences.

Keywordsborder region, border area, border municipalities, bonder, boundary, cross-border (transboundary) cooperation
Publication date19.05.2021
Number of characters19083
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1 Introduction. In the modern world, the state border is not only an international legal institution that ensures the inviolability and integrity of the state territory, but is also a product of border area residents’ activities, the result of long geopolitical development and one of the most important markers of ethnic and political identity. It seems essential to study the practice of cross-border daily activities, which is influenced by the immediate proximity of the state border and which is associated with ensuring cross-border interactions.
2 The article presents part of the survey results, the questions of which relate to the awareness of the border municipalities residents of the Pskov region of the ongoing, implemented programs of cooperation with neighboring states. The questionnaire also included questions about the necessity for such cooperation, its forms and probable conditions that complicate the development of cross-border relations between the Pskov region and neighboring countries. Besides, the fact of mobility of the Pskov region citizens towards neighboring countries is assessed and the attitude of the Pskov region citizens towards neighboring states is evaluated.
3 The purpose of the study is to analyze the perception of the proximity of the state border by border areas residents of the Pskov region, as well as the impact it has on the attitude and mobility of the Pskov region residents in relation to neighboring countries.
4 Informational base for research (sample of sociological survey). To assess the effectiveness of cross-border cooperation by residents of border regions, a formalized survey method was used, in which 150 residents of border municipalities of the Pskov region, located on the borders with Estonia, Latvia and the Republic of Belarus, took part.
5 Due to the small size of the sample, the main emphasis was placed on the Pechora region, the most integrated region in terms of the intensity of border crossings by residents of Pskov towards the countries of the European Union. Due to its not a big size, it was decided to focus on the most mobile part of the local population young people and middle-aged people.
6 The sample consisted of 58 % of women and 42 % of men. Among the respondents, natives of the Pskov region prevail (86 %), and 14 % of respondents were immigrants from other regions of Russia and other countries. Among immigrants from other Russian regions and other countries, the absolute majority are those who moved to the Pskov region more than 20 years ago (80 %).
7 The structure of employment of the surveyed contingent is diverse. About a quarter of the respondents are workers in education and science (22.67 %). Students and pensioners are largely represented (15.33 % and 13.33 %, respectively), employees in the armed forces and law enforcement agencies (8.67 %), as well as those employed in the building sector (7.33 %) and transport (6 %).
8 In terms of education, the largest share was made up of respondents with higher education (42.67 %), and more than a quarter of respondents have specialized secondary education. An insignificant share was made by those who have general secondary (4 %) and incomplete secondary (1.33 %) education.
9 The sample structure based on income per family member looks asymmetric: excluding those who found it difficult to give an answer, the median value is 10–15 thousand rubles, which indicates the prevalence of low-income categories of the population. A quarter of respondents (28%) indicated income per family member in the range from 15 to 20 thousand rubles. There are only a small number of respondents whose income is 25 thousand rubles and higher.
10 Thus, the respondents are mainly natives of the Pskov region, are distinguished by a young age, a high level of education, a variety of employment spheres and a low level of income.
11 The degree of knowledge on the problem. Border activity is not only determined by the border regime, but also influences it itself [3]. In the theory of borders, the high importance of the relationship of localities for states was proved and it was established that local territorial communities are not passive "observers" of the activities of the central authorities, but they themselves have an impact on the regime and nature of the state border [15–17].
12 It is significant to study the perception of the border (the nature, evolution and channels of influence on social ideas about the border, relations between neighboring states and regions, cross-border cooperation), including the corresponding discourse not only at the levels of “high” geopolitics the positions of experts and politicians, but also at the “low” level public opinion [19].
13 In the subject field of the study, one can highlight the works of Russian geographers such as V. L. Kagansky [2], B. B. Rodoman and B. M. Eckel [1; 14], that dealt with issues of relations between the Russian Federation and neighboring countries. They are theoretical in nature and relate to the delimitation and demarcation of borders. A significant methodological basis that allows one to assess the importance of border functions in the framework of cross-border cooperation is the work of V. T. Kudiyarov [6], as well as works conducted under the leadership of V. A. Kolosov [3; 4; 15; 16]. In addition, a number of publications should be mentioned, which present the results of surveys on similar topics of residents of the Pskov region, living in areas bordering with Estonia and Latvia [5; 7–9; 18].

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