Inventories by I.F. Michurin as a source for studying the material culture of the 16th–17th centuries: the modem palace and churches of Kolomenskoye

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Russian State University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameRossiiskaia arkheologiia
EditionIssue 3

The article presents a systematic review of the inventories composed by the architect I. F. Michurin which reflect the condition of a well-known site of the second half of the 17th century – the great wooden palace in the village of Kolomenskoye (near Moscow), the summer residence of the Moscow Grand Dukes and Tsars. The palace was dismantled in about 100 years after the erection, during the reign of Catherine II. However, it was able to become one of the legends of Russian architecture. Inventories by I. F. Michurin, the first Russian conservation architect, make it possible to present a general picture of the palace condition in the 1740s, as well as to obtain detailed information about each room, its windows, stoves, type of tiles, etc. Michurin’s inventories for fifteen ancient Moscow sites have survived. They reflect not only the sites themselves, but also the attitude of society towards them, primarily the Tsar’s court and the higher clergy. The author proposes that these records should be compared with archaeological material obtained during excavations (under L. A. Belyaev) of the palace area and adjoining stone structures – kitchens, walls with gates, etc. This work has not been fulfilled so far.

Keywordswooden palace, archaeological sources, written sources, the architect I. F. Michurin, Kolomenskoye
Publication date15.10.2018
Number of characters1107
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