Fatal woman of the 10th century through the eyes of medieval miniature painters

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameRossiiskaia arkheologiia
EditionIssue 3

The article is devoted to the study of miniatures of the Illuminated Compiled Chronicle of the 16th century, in which the dramatic history of Vladimir and Rogneda is presented. The author traces the presence of interest of the later miniaturists to the depicted events, their attitude towards them. As comparative materials the miniatures of another manuscript – the Radziwill Chronicle of the late 15th century – were drawn.

Keywordsminiatures of historical manuscripts, Ivan the Terrible’s Illuminated Compiled Chronicle, Radziwill Chronicle, Vladimir and Rogneda, matchmaking, attempt to murder
Publication date15.10.2018
Number of characters363
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