To the history of the liquidation of the GAIMK: "Statement" by V. F. Zybkovets to A. A. Zhdanov

Publication type Article
Status Approved
Occupation: Head of the Department
Affiliation: St. Petersburg Branch of the Archive of the RAS
Address: Russian Federation, St. Petersburg
Occupation: Senior Researcher
Affiliation: Institute for the history of material culture Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 191186, Dvortzovaya naberejnaya, 18. St. Petersburg, Russia

     The «Statement» written on March 28, 1935 by a post graduate student of the GAIMK Vladimir Zybkovets, was revealed in the funds of the Central Party Archive in 2018. In this document he accused the entire leadership and a significant part of the scientific staff of the Academy of "treason to the Motherland". This document is extremely important for understanding the events that unfolded around the GAIMC in the mid-1930s.

It is quite possible said, that this statement of V.F.Zybkovets became the starting point of political repression against the Academy's employees, during which almost the entire management of the institution was convicted and shot, a number of employees were exiled to camps, and the GAIMK lost its independent status and was included in the system of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Keywordsarchival materials, GAIMK, history of scientific institutions, history of Soviet archaeology, political repression, A. A. Zhdanov, V. F. Zybkovets
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