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1. Arkheologiya, istoriya i arkhivnoye delo Rossii v perepiske professora D.Ya. Samokvasova (1843–1911) [Archaeology, history and archiving of Russia in the correspondence of Professor D.Ya. Samokvasov (1843–1911)]. S.P. Shchavelev, comp., comment. Kursk: Kurskiy gos. med. un-t, 2007. 508 p.
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3. Fekhner M.V., 1979. Gold embroidery of Rus. Pamyatniki kul’tury. Novyye otkrytiya. Pis’mennost’ iskusstvo, arkheologiya [Cultural Monuments. New discoveries. Writing, art, archaeology], 1978. Leningrad: Nauka, pp. 401–405. (In Russ.)
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5. Katasonova E.Yu. Zolotnoye shit’ye domongol’skoy Rusi. (Elektronnyy resurs) [Gold embroidery of pre-Mongol Rus. (Electronic resource)]. URL:
6. Lubo-Lesnichenko E.I., 1994. Kitay na shelkovom puti (shelk i vneshniye svyazi drevnego i rannesrednevekovogo Kitaya) [China on the Silk Road (silk and external relations of ancient and early medieval China)]. Moscow: Vost. lit. 326 p.
7. Mikhaylov K.A., 2007. Early samples of Old Rus gold embroidery from Chernihiv and Shestovitsa. Chernigiv u seredn’ovichniy ta rann’omoderniy istorii Tsentral’no-Skhidnoi Єvropi [Chernihiv in the medieval and early modern history of Central and Eastern Europe]. Chernigiv: Desnyans’ka pravda, pp. 138–153. (In Russ.)
8. Mikhaylov K.A., 2010. Byzantine influences on the ceremonial costume of the North European and Rus aristocracy of the Viking Age. Dialog kul’tur i narodov srednevekovoy Evropy: K 60-letiyu so dnya rozhd. E.N. Nosova [Dialogue of cultures and peoples of medieval Europe: To the 60th birthday of E.N. Nosov]. A.E. Musin, N.V. Khvoshchinskaya, eds. St. Petersburg: Dmitriy Bulanin, pp. 262–279. (In Russ.)
9. Narodnaya vyshivka. Osnovnyye shvy (Elektronnyy resurs) [Folk art of embroidery. The main stitches (Electronic resource)]. Khudozhestvennyye tekhniki: vse ob izobrazitel’nom iskusstve i materialakh dlya tvorchestva [Artistic techniques: all about fine art and materials for creativity]. URL:
10. Orfinskaya O.V., Titova L.A., Chutkina S.S., 2017. Studies of pre-Mongolian embroidery from archaeological excavations of 1966–1974 in Staraya Russa, Novgorod Region. Genesis: istoricheskiye issledovaniya [Genesis: historical research], 5, pp. 127–143. (In Russ.)
11. Rybakov B.A., 1949. Antiquities of Chernihiv. Materialy i issledovaniya po arkheologii drevnerusskikh gorodov [Materials and studies on the archaeology of towns of Rus], 1. N.N. Voronin, ed. Moscow; Leningrad: Izd-vo AN SSSR, pp. 7–102. (MIA, 11). (In Russ.)
12. Samokvasov D.Ya., 1878. Severian mounds and their significance for history. Trudy Tret’yego arkheologicheskogo s”yezda [Works of the Third archaeological congress], 1. Kiev: V tip. Imp. un-ta sv. Vladimira, pp. 185–224. (In Russ.)
13. Samokvasov D.Ya., 1908a. Mogily Russkoy zemli [Graves of the Russian land]. Moscow: Sinod. tip. 276 p.
14. Samokvasov D.Ya., 1908b. Severyanskaya zemlya i severyane po gorodishcham i mogilam [Severians and thier land based on the data of fortifications and graves]. Moscow: Sinod. tip. 120 p.
15. Samokvasov D.Ya., 1916. Mogil’nyye drevnosti severyanskoy Chernigovshchiny [Grave antiquities of the Severian area of Chernihiv region]. Moscow: Sinod. tip. 102 p.
16. Shishlina N.I., van der Plikht Y., Sevast’yanov V.S., Kuznetsova O.V., Murasheva V.V., Panin A.V., Kainov S.Yu., Zozulya S.S., Shevtsov A.O., 2017. Radiocarbon AMS dating of exhibits of the Historical Museum: results and discussion. Izv. Samar. nauch. tsentra RAN [Izvestiya of the Samara Science Centre RAS], vol. 19, no. 3(2), pp. 398–405. (In Russ.)
17. Yakovchik M.S., 2018. Zolotnyye niti na territorii Drevney Rusi domongol’skogo perioda: diss. … kand. ist. nauk [Golden threads in the territory of the pre-Mongol Rus: a Doctoral Thesis in History]. Moscow. 499 p.
18. Zozulya S.S., Kleshchenko E.A., 2019. Cremated remains from the Chernaya Mogila mound in the collection of the Historical Museum. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 23: Antropologiya [Moscow University Bulletin. Series 23: Anthropology], 1, pp. 117–130. (In Russ.)