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1. Abdulova S.I., 2008. Beads of the Rozhdestvensk complex // Belavin A.M., Krylasova N.B. Drevnyaya Afkula: arkheologicheskiy kompleks u s. Rozhdestvensk [Ancient Afkula: archaeological complex near the Rozhdestvensk village]. Perm': Permskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy universitet, pp. 515–535. (In Russ.)
2. Abdulova S.I., 2012. Beads of the Ogurdino burial ground // Belavin A.M., Krylasova N.B. Ogurdinskiy mogil'nik [The Ogurdino burial ground]. Perm': Permskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy universitet, pp. 221–233. (In Russ.) (Arkheologiya Permskogo kraya: svod arkheologicheskikh istochnikov, 2).
3. Arkheologiya severnorusskoy derevni X–XIII vekov: srednevekovye poseleniya i mogil'niki na Kubenskom ozere [Archaeology of the 10th–13th century villages of Northern Rus: medieval settlements and burial grounds of the Kubenskoye Lake], 1. Poseleniya i mogil'niki [Settlements and burial grounds]. N.A. Makarov, ed. Moscow: Nauka, 2007. 374 p.
4. Belavin A.M., Krylasova N.B., 2012. Ogurdinskiy mogil'nik [The Ogurdino burial ground]. Perm': Permskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy universitet. 259 p. (Arkheologiya Permskogo kraya: svod arkheologicheskikh istochnikov, 2).
5. Fekhner M.V., 1959. To the economic connections of Rus village // Ocherki po istorii russkoy derevni X–XIII vv. [Studies in the history of Rus village of the 10th–13th centuries]. Moscow: Gosudarstvennyy istoricheskiy muzey, pp. 149–224. (Trudy Gosudarstvennogo istoricheskogo muzeya, 33). (In Russ.)
6. Gening V.F., 1979. The Cheptsa culture burial ground near Vesiyakar (the 9th–12th centuries) // Severnye udmurty v nachale II tys. n.e. [Northern Udmurts in the early 2nd millenium AD]. V.F. Gening, ed. Izhevsk: Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut pri Sovete Ministrov Udmurtskoy ASSR, pp. 87–106. (In Russ.)
7. Goldina R.D., Kananin V.A., 2012. Chronology of the Upper Kama antiquities of the 6th–14th centuries // Drevnosti Prikam'ya epokhi zheleza (VI v. do n.e. – XV v. n.e.): khronologicheskaya atributsiya [The Kama region antiquities of the Iron Age (the 6th century BC – the 15th century AD): chronological attribution]. R.D. Goldina, ed. Izhevsk: Udmurtskiy universitet, pp. 227–246. (Materialy i issledovaniya Kamsko-Vyatskoy ekspeditsii, 25). (In Russ.)
8. Goldina R.D., Koroleva O.P., 1983. Beads from the Upper Kama burial grounds // Etnicheskie protsessy na Urale i v Sibiri v pervobytnuyu epokhu [Ethnic processes in the Urals and Siberia in the prehistoric time]. V.E. Vladykin, ed. Izhevsk: Udmurtskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, pp. 40–71. (In Russ.)
9. Goldina R.D., Yutina T.K., 2012. On the dating and chronology of the Agafonovo II burial complexes (the 9th–12th centuries) // Drevnosti Prikam'ya epokhi zheleza (VI v. do n.e. – XV v. n.e.): khronologicheskaya atributsiya [The Kama region antiquities of the Iron Age (the 6th century BC – the 15th century AD): chronological attribution]. R.D. Goldina, ed. Izhevsk: Udmurtskiy universitet, pp. 447–472. (Materialy i issledovaniya Kamsko-Vyatskoy ekspeditsii, 25). (In Russ.)
10. Golubeva L.A., 1979. Zoomorfnye ukrasheniya finno-ugrov [Zoomorphic jewelry of the Finno-Ugric people]. Moscow: Nauka. 112 p. (Arkheologiya SSSR. Svod arkheologicheskikh istochnikov, E1-59).
11. Ivanov A.G., 1991. The Kachkashur burial ground of the 9th–13th centuries in the Cheptsa river region // Materialy po pogrebal'nomu obryadu udmurtov [Materials on the Udmurt funeral rite]. M.G. Ivanova, N.I. Shutova, eds. Izhevsk: Udmurtskiy institut istorii, yazyka i literatury Ural'skogo otdeleniya Rossiyskoy akademii nauk, pp. 140–180. (In Russ.)
12. Ivanov A.G., 1997. Etnokul'turnye i ekonomicheskie svyazi naseleniya basseyna r. Cheptsy v epokhu srednevekov'ya: konets V – pervaya polovina XIII v. [Ethnocultural and economic connections of the Cheptsa river basin population in the Middle Ages: the late 5th – the first half of the 13th century]. Izhevsk: Udmurtskiy institut istorii, yazyka i literatury Ural'skogo otdeleniya Rossiyskoy akademii nauk. 309 p.
13. Ivanov A.G., Ivanova M.G., Ostanina T.I., Shutova N.I., 2004. Arkheologicheskaya karta severnykh rayonov Udmurtii [An archaeological map of Udmurtia northern districts]. Izhevsk: Udmurtskiy institut istorii, yazyka i literatury Ural'skogo otdeleniya Rossiyskoy akademii nauk. 276 p.
14. Ivanova M.G. Otchet ob issledovaniyakh na Kushmanskom gorodishche Uchkakar, Kushmanskom III selishche i Kushmanskom II selishche v Yarskom rayone Udmurtskoy Respubliki v 2016 g. [Report on the research in the Kushmansky Uchkakar fortified settlement, Kushmansky III settlement and Kushmansky II settlement in Yar district of the Republic of Udmurtia in 2016]. Rukopisnyy fond Nauchnogo arkhiva Udmurtskogo instituta istorii, yazyka i literatury Udmurtskogo federal'nogo issledovatel'skogo tsentra Ural'skogo otdeleniya Rossiyskoy akademii nauk [Manuscript collection of the Scientific Archive of Udmurt Institute of History, Language and Literature at the Udmurt Federal Research Centre of the Urals branch RAS], 2-n, № 1693.
15. Ivanova M.G. Otchet ob issledovaniyakh na Kushmanskom gorodishche Uchkakar i Kushmanskom III selishche v Yarskom rayone Udmurtskoy Respubliki v 2017 g. [Report on the research in Kushmansky Uchkakar fortified settlement and Kushmansky]. Rukopisnyy fond Nauchnogo arkhiva Udmurtskogo instituta istorii, yazyka i literatury Udmurtskogo federal'nogo issledovatel'skogo tsentra Ural'skogo otdeleniya Rossiyskoy akademii nauk [Manuscript collection of the Scientific Archive of Udmurt Institute of History, Language and Literature at the Udmurt Federal Research Centre of the Urals branch RAS], 2-n, № 1706.
16. Ivanova M.G., 1982. The Kachkashur settlement // Srednevekovye pamyatniki basseyna r. Cheptsy [Medieval sites of the Cheptsa river basin]. M.G. Ivanova, ed. Izhevsk: Udmurtskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut istorii, yazyka i literatury, pp. 85–89. (In Russ.)
17. Ivanova M.G., 1992. Pogrebal'nye pamyatniki severnykh udmurtov XI–XIII vv. [Burial sites of northern Udmurts of the 11th–13th centuries]. Izhevsk: Udmurtskiy institut istorii, yazyka i literatury Ural'skogo otdeleniya Rossiyskoy akademii nauk. 184 p.
18. Ivanova M.G., 1998. Idnakar: Drevneudmurtskoe gorodishche IX–XIII vv. [Idnakar: an ancient Udmurt fortified settlement of the 9th–13th centuries]. Izhevsk: Udmurtskiy institut istorii, yazyka i literatury Ural'skogo otdeleniya Rossiyskoy akademii nauk. 294 p.
19. Ivanova M.G., Zhurbin I.V., Modin R.N., 2017. Kushmansky complex of the 10th–13th century sites in the Cheptsa River basin: main results of the inter-disciplinary research // Vestnik Udmurtskogo universiteta. Seriya Istoriya i filologiya [Udmurt University Bulletin. Series History and Philology], vol. 27, iss. 4, pp. 581–586. (In Russ.)
20. Kirillov A.N. Arkheologicheskie raboty po opredeleniyu granits ob"ektov arkheologicheskogo naslediya v Glazovskom rayone i razvedochnye raboty v Yarskom rayone Udmurtskoy Respubliki [Archaeological activities on demarkation of the archaeological heritage sites in Glazov district and survey activities in Yar district of the Republic of Udmurtia]. Arkhiv Istoriko-kul'turnogo muzeya-zapovednika Udmurtskoy Respubliki «Idnakar» [Archive of the “Idnakar” Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve of the Republic of Udmurtia], 2012, 02–03.
21. Kirillov A.N. Istoriko-kul'turnye issledovaniya Potapovskogo mestorozhdeniya v Krasnogorskom rayone i razvedochnye raboty na Kushmanskom II i III selishchakh v Yarskom rayone Udmurtskoy Respubliki [Historical and cultural studies of the Potapovo field in Krasnogorsk district and survey in Kushmansky II and III settlements of Yar district, the Republic of Udmurtia]. Arkhiv Istoriko-kul'turnogo muzeya-zapovednika Udmurtskoy Respubliki «Idnakar» [Archive of the “Idnakar” Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve of the Republic of Udmurtia], 2011, 02–03.
22. Kondrat'eva G.T. Otchet o razvedke po pravomu beregu r. Cheptsy v Yarskom rayone Udmurtskoy ASSR, proizvedennoy v 1959 g. / Otchet Udmurtskoy arkheologicheskoy ekspeditsii za 1959 g. [Report on the survey activities of the Cheptsa River right bank in Yar district of the Udmurt ASSR in 1959 / Report of the Udmurt Archaeological expedition of 1959]. Arkhiv Instituta arkheologii Rossiyskoy akademii nauk [Archive of the Institute of Archaeology RAS], R-1, № 1952.
23. Krylasova N.B., 2007. Arkheologiya povsednevnosti: material'naya kul'tura srednevekovogo Predural'ya [Every-day archaeology: material culture of the medieval Cis-Urals]. Perm': Permskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy universitet. 351 p.
24. Mazhitov N.A., 1981. Kurgany Yuzhnogo Urala VIII–XII vv. [Burial mounds of the Southern Urals of the 8th –12th centuries]. Moscow: Nauka. 164 p.
25. Medvedev A.F., 1966. Ruchnoe metatel'noe oruzhie. (Luk i strely, samostrel). VIII–XIV vv. [Handheld throwing weapons. (Bow and arrows, crossbow). The 8th–14th centuries]. Moscow: Nauka. 184 p. (Arkheologiya SSSR. Svod arkheologicheskikh istochnikov, E1-36).
26. Modin R.N., Ivanova M.G., Zhurbin I.V., 2019. Chronology of the interior part of the Kushmanskoye fortified settlement (Uchkakar) // Kratkie soobshcheniya Instituta arkheologii [Brief Communications of the Institute of Archaeology], 257, pp. 216–231. (In Russ.)
27. Modin R.N., Zhurbin I.V., Ivanova M.G., 2018. Interdisciplinary studies and reconstruction of the defenses at Kushman Uchkakar fortified settlement // Rossiyskaya arkheologiya [Russian archaeology], 2, pp. 83–97. (In Russ.)
28. Nikitina T.B., 2012. Pogrebal'nye pamyatniki IX–XI vv. Vetluzhsko-Vyatskogo mezhdurech'ya [The 9th–11th century burial sites of the Vetluga–Vyatka interfluve]. Kazan'. 408 p. (Arkheologiya evraziyskikh stepey, 14).
29. Pervukhin N.G., 1896. Opyt arkheologicheskogo issledovaniya Glazovskogo uezda Vyatskoy gubernii. Moscow: Tipografiya M.G. Volchaninova [Experience in archaeological research in Glazov district of Vyatka province]. 261 p. (Materialy po arkheologii vostochnykh guberniy Rossii, 2).
30. Raspopova V.I., 1965. The 7th–8th century Sogdian belt set // Sovetskaya arkheologiya [Soviet archaeology], 4, pp. 78–91. (In Russ.)
31. Rudenko K.A., 2001. Tyurkskiy mir i Volgo-Kam'e v XI–XIV vv. [Turkic world and the Volga-Kama region in the 11th –14th centuries]. Kazan': Zaman. 256 p.
32. Savinov D.G., 1984. Narody Yuzhnoy Sibiri v drevnetyurkskuyu epokhu [Population of Southern Siberia in the old Turkic period]. Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo Leningradskogo universiteta. 175 p.
33. Semenov V.A., 1982. The Maly Venizh Por-Kar fortified settlement // Srednevekovye pamyatniki basseyna r. Cheptsy [Medieval sites of the Cheptsa River basin]. M.G. Ivanova, ed. Izhevsk: Udmurtskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut istorii, yazyka i literatury, pp. 27–51. (In Russ.)
34. Semenov V.A., 1985. The Omutnitsa burial ground // Materialy srednevekovykh pamyatnikov Udmurtii [Materials of Udmurtia medieval sites]. M.G. Ivanova, ed. Ustinov, pp. 92–118. (In Russ.)
35. Semenov V.A., 1988. The 9th–early 10th century Tolyen burial ground // Novye issledovaniya po drevney istorii Udmurtii [New research on the early history of Udmurtia]. M.G. Ivanova, ed. Izhevsk: Udmurtskiy institut istorii, yazyka i literatury, pp. 25–58. (In Russ.)
36. Shchapova Yu.L., 1956. Glass beads of old Novgorod // Trudy Novgorodskoy ekspeditsii [Transactions of the Novgorod expedition], 1. A.V. Artsikhovskiy, B.A. Kolchin, eds. Moscow; Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo AN SSSR, pp. 164–179. (Materialy i issledovaniya po arkheologii SSSR, 55). (In Russ.)
37. Spitsyn A.A., 1893. Priural'skiy kray. Arkheologicheskie razyskaniya o drevneyshikh obitatelyakh Vyatskoy gubernii [The Cis-Urals. Archaeological research on the earliest inhabitants of Vyatka province]. Moscow: Tipografiya E. Lissnera i Yu. Romana. 192 p. (Materialy po arkheologii vostochnykh guberniy Rossii, 1).
38. Stepi Evrazii v epokhu srednevekov'ya [Eurasian steppes in the Middle Ages]. B.A. Rybakov, ed. Moscow: Nauka, 1981. 304 p. (Arkheologiya SSSR).
39. Zakharov S.D., 2004. Drevnerusskiy gorod Beloozero [The Rus town of Beloozero]. Moscow: Indrik. 592 p.
40. Zhurbin I.V., 2020. Comparative analysis of structure and tendencies in the development of the largest Cheptsa fortified settlements: Idnakar, Uchkakar, Guriyakar (in the Cis-Urals) // Arkheologiya, etnografiya i antropologiya Evrazii [Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia], vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 120–128. (In Russ.)
41. Zhurbin I.V., Antipina E.E., Ivanova M.G., Lebedeva E.Yu., Modin P.N., Sergeev A.Yu., Yavorskaya L.V., 2018. Mezhdistsiplinarnye issledovaniya Kushmanskogo gorodishcha Uchkakar IX–XIII vv.: metodika kompleksnogo analiza [Inter-disciplinary research on the 9th –13th century Kushmansky fortified settlement of Uchkakar: the methodology of complex analysis]. Moscow: Taus. 248 p.
42. Zhurbin I.V., Borisov A.V., Nazmutdinova A.I., Milich V.N., Petrov R.P., Ivanova M.G., Modin R.N., Knyazeva L.F., Vorob'eva N.G., Zinchuk S.V., 2019. Complex application of remote probing, geophysics and soil science methods in studying settlements destroyed by plowing // Arkheologiya, etnografiya i antropologiya Evrazii [Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia], vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 103–111. (In Russ.)