Attachment and Personality Traits as Predictors of Fears in Student Age

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Institute of Psychology and Pedagogics, Altai State Pedagogical University
Address: Barnaul, Molodezhnaya str., 55
Occupation: Professor
Federal Science-Clinical Center of Rheumatology and Reabilitology, Institute of Higher and Supplementary Professional Education, Department of Psychology and Reabilitology Technologies
Altai State University, Law Institute, Department of Criminal Procedu
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation: Senior lecturer, Chair of Social Pedagogics and Psychology
Affiliation: Vladimir State University
Address: Russian Federation, Vladimir
Occupation: associate professor, Institute of Psychology and Pedagogics, Department of Psychology
Affiliation: Altai State Pedagogical University
Address: Russian Federation, Barnaul
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 44 Issue 1

The article presents the results of a study of the predictors of students’ fears. The sample consisted of university students (N = 94,82% - women) aged 18–22. The measure of intensity of fears by Yu.V. Shcherbatykh and E.I. Ivleva, the questionnaire “Experience of close relationships” (ECR) by N.V. Sabelnikova and D.V. Kashirsky, Attachment Style Questionnaire by J. Finey et al. (ASQ) adapted by N.V. Sabelnikova, D.V. Kashirsky, the “Big Five” (5PFQ) technique by P. Costa and R. McCrae adapted by S.A. Shchebetenko were used in the study. Based on the principal component analysis (PCA), the structure of fears experienced by students was revealed. It included “fears of uncontrollable events” (changes in personal life, death, illness, etc.), “natural fears” (darkness, enclosed space, snakes, spiders, etc.), “social fears” (exams, public speaking) fears and “fear of losing self-control” (aggression towards loved ones, auto-aggression, etc.). The quality of the structural model has been verified by confirmatory factor analysis. The analysis of regression equations (MRA) revealed the dependence of individual groups of fears on avoidance of attachment relationships, neuroticism, extraversion, and conscientiousness.

Keywordsfears, types of fears, attachment, anxiety, attachment avoidance, character traits, factors of the “Big Five”, student age
Publication date26.02.2023
Number of characters32879
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