All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Social Psychology pf Personality and Group in Transforming Russia”

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Head of psychology chair
Affiliation: FSFEE “Kursk State University”
Address: Kursk, Radishhev str. 33
Occupation: Associate Professor, Psychology Chair
Affiliation: FSFEE “Kursk State University” (KSU)
Address: Russian Federation, Kursk
Affiliation: FSFEE “Voronezh State University” (VSU)
Address: Russian Federation, Voronezh
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 43 Issue 1

The All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Social Psychology of the Person and the Group in Transforming Russia” brought together researchers in the field of social psychology and practicing psychologists to discuss the problems of studying the group and personality in modern conditions. The conference was organized by the Department of Psychology of Kursk State University, the Kursk Regional Branch of the Russian Psychological Society, the Kursk Regional Branch of the Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia and was held online. As a result of the conference, a compendium of materials was published, revealing the multifaceted palette of research of modern psychologists in the field of social psychology of personality and group.

Keywordssocial psychology, personality, group, history of social psychology, Kursk scientific school in social psychology
Publication date01.03.2022
Number of characters19710
100 rub.
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1. Kruglyy stol “85 let A.S. Chernyshevu: Uchenyy, Uchitel', Chelovek” 17 dekabrya 2021 goda. URL: (In Russian)

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