Narcissism and anxiety level of Azerbaijani and Russian students with different assessments of autostereotypes of behavior

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Don State Technical University
Address: Rostov-on-Don, Rostov-on-Don, pl. Gagarina, 1
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 42 Issue 5

The aim of the work is to identify differences in the degree of narcissism and the level of anxiety in a group of Russian and Azerbaijani students with different assessments of autostereotypes of behavior. Narcissism of youth is considered non-clinical, as a psychological component of youth culture, a manifestation in response to cultural, political, economic transformations in modern society. The method of assessing narcissism, the scale of anxiety manifestations, the method of determining stereotypes of normative attitudes of social behavior were used. The sample consisted of 340 representatives of Russian and 234 ‒ Azerbaijani nationality aged from 19 to 25 years (M=21.1; SD=7.93). Shifts were revealed (from 2017 to 2019) in the direction of increasing data among Russian students by sub-scales: "Derealization/Depersonalization”;" Social isolation”; "Grandiose Self”;" Striving for an ideal Self-object”; “Narcissistic benefit from illness”. In the group of Azerbaijanis, there were increases in the subscales: "The ideal of self-sufficiency” Conclusions: the difference of shifts with the tendency to increase narcissism in the group of Russian students was found. Narcissism and anxiety are more pronounced in the group of Russian students. The autostereotypes of the behavior of Russian students are in the zone of indidvidualism. A group of Azerbaijani students is influenced by the national culture, which restrains the manifestations of narcissism and anxiety. The autostereotypes of Azerbaijani behavior are in the zone of collectivism: activity, patriotism, respect for elders.

Keywordsnon-clinical narcissism, anxiety, students, national groups, Russian Students, Azerbaijanis, powerless Self;, grand Self, autostereotypes of behavior
Publication date08.11.2021
Number of characters21738
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