Peculiarities of speech-thinking activity in children with monolingualism and natural bilingualism

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: head of general psychology chair
Affiliation: Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social technologies
Address: Izhevsk, 426034, Universitetskaya str., 1
Affiliation: Udmurt State University
Address: Universitetskaya str., 1
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 42 issue 2

Theoretical procedural model of speech-thinking activity development in primary school children with natural bilingualism under educational situation that meets modern requirements for self-organization models is constructed. The study involved 152 children, senior preschoolers and junior schoolchildren, bilinguals and monolinguals. The results of formative experiment confirmed the establishment of intra-system relations (relationships between the components of the system) in transition from one cycle to another in development of speech-thinking activity as an integral system with variable relations with cultural and educational environment. It is shown that in situation where cultural discourse in the native language is a psychological and pedagogical tool in educational environment, the integration of the system increases and new connections between its components (the structure of the system changes) appears, the proportions of dependent variables’ (conceptual speech and conceptual intuitive thinking) variance that can be explained by the variance of independent variable (speech development) are established. When cultural discourse in Russian becomes an organizational form for learning-creative independent activity the differentiation of speech processes and functions becomes apparent, written speech appears and contribution of conceptual speech thinking to the variance of speech development is established.

Keywordsself-organization model, integral system, intra-system connections, cultural and educational environment, educational situation, cultural discourse, speech-thinking activity, bilinguals, primary school age
Publication date04.04.2021
Number of characters29470
100 rub.
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