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1. Eliseeva I.N., Olejnik Ju.N. Naukometricheskij analiz kak metod izuchenija sostojanija i dinamiki nauchnogo napravlenija (na primere ispol’zovanija kategorii “individual’nost’” v nazvanijah dissertacionnyh issledovanij 1992–2018 gg.) // Metodologija, teorija, istorija psihologii lichnosti / Otv. red. A.L. Zhuravlev, E.A. Nikitina, N.E. Harlamenkova. M.: Izd-vo “Institut psihologii RAN”, 2019. S. 218–233 [Eliseeva I.N, Oleinik Yu.N. Scientometric Analysis as a Method for Studying the State and the Dynamics of an Academic Branch (on the material of using the category “individuality” in the names of dissertation research topics in 1992–2018) // Methodology, Theory, History of Personality Psychology / Eds. A.L. Zhuravlev, E.A. Nikitina, N.E. Kharlamenkov. M.: “Institute of Psychology of RAS”, 2019. P. 218–233.]
2. Zuev K.B., Nestik T.A. Bibliometricheskij analiz osnovnyh pokazatelej publikacij po teme “Psihologija” v naukometricheskoj baze Web of Science Core Collection // Fundamental’nye i prikladnye issledovanija sovremennoj psihologii / Otv. red. A.L. Zhuravlev, V.A. Kol’cova. M.: Izd-vo “Institut psihologii RAN”, 2017. S. 1822–1829 [Zuev K.B., Nestik T.A. Bibliometric Analysis of the Main Indicators of Publications on the Topic “Psychology” in the Scientometric Database Web of Science Core Collection // Fundamental and Applied Research in Modern Psychology / Ed. A.L. Zhuravlev, V.A. Koltsov. M.: ”Institute of Psychology RAS”, 2017. P. 1822–1829]
3. Zuev K.B., Nestik T.A. Bibliometricheskij analiz razvitija osnovnyh napravlenij psihologicheskih issledovanij (po dannym WoS i statistike poiskovyh zaprosov Google) // Psihologicheskoe znanie: sovremennoe sostojanie i perspektivy razvitija. M.: Izd-vo “Institut psihologii RAN”, 2018. S. 671–697 [Zuev K.B., Nestik T.A. Bibliometric Analysis of the Development of the Main Directions of Psychological Research (according to WoS data and statistics of Google search queries) // Psychological Knowledge: Current State and Development Prospects. M.: “Institute of Psychology RAS”, 2018. P. 671–697.]
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6. Kostrigin A.A., Husjainov T.M. Digital Humanities v istorii psihologii (na primere familii V.M. Behtereva) // Cifrovoj uchenyj: laboratorija filosofa. 2018. T. 1. № 1. S. 160–179 [Kostrigin A.A., Khusyanov T.M. Digital Humanities in the history of psychology (on the example of the name of V.M. Bekhterev) // Digital scientist: laboratory of a philosopher. 2018. Vol. 1. № 1. P. 160–179.]
7. Kostrigin A.A., Mazina K.N. Istoki i aktual’nost’ vozniknovenija kognitivnoj psihologii (Digital Humanities v istorii psihologii) // Istorija psihologii v licah: Dajdzhest. 2018. № 3. S. 19–30 [Kostrigin A.A., Mazina K.N. The Origins and Relevance of the Emergence of Cognitive Psychology (Digital Humanities in the history of psychology) // History of Psychology in Persons: Digest. 2018. № 3. P. 19–30.]
8. Kostrigin A.A., Nekrasova A.S., Demeshhuk Je.L. Cifrovaja istorija psihologii: ispol’zovanie ponjatija “bessoznatel’noe” v russkojazychnoj literature // Istorija psihologii v licah: Dajdzhest. 2018. № 3. S. 31–41 [Kostrigin A.A., Nekrasova A.S., Demeshuk E.L. The Digital History of Psychology: the Use of the Concept of “Unconscious” in Russian-language Literature // History of Psychology in Persons: Digest. 2018. № 3. P. 31–41.]
9. Mazilov V.A., Batyrshina A.R. Vozmozhnosti naukometricheskogo podhoda v istoriko-psihologicheskom issledovanii (na primere problemy voli v otechestvennoj psihologii) // Jaroslavskij pedagogicheskij vestnik. 2016. № 36. S. 63–74 [Mazilov V.A., Batyrshina A.R. Possibilities of the Scientometric Approach in Historical and Psychological Research (with the Problem of will in the Russian Psychology as an Example) // Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin. 2016. № 36. Р. 63–74.]
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11. Nestik T.A., Zhuravlev A.L. Analiz bol’shih dannyh v psihologii i sociogumanitarnyh naukah: perspektivnye napravlenija issledovanij // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. 2019. T. 40. № 6. S.5–17 [Nestik T.A., Zhuravlev A.L. Analysis of Big Data in Psychology and Socio Humanities: Promising Research Areas // Psychological Journal. 2019. Vol. 40. № 6. P. 5–17.]
12. Pisljakov V.V. Bibliometricheskie indikatory v resursah Thomson Reuters // Rukovodstvo po naukometrii: indikatory razvitija nauki i tehnologii / M.A. Akoeva. Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo Ural’skogo universiteta, 2014. S. 75–109 [Pislyakov V.V. Bibliometric Indicators in Thomson Reuters Resources // Guide to Scientometrics: Indicators of Science and Technology Development / Ed. M.A. Akoeva. Ekaterinburg: Publishing House of the Ural University, 2014. P. 75–109.]
13. Pisljakov V.V. Metody ocenki znanija po pokazateljam citirovanija // Sociologicheskij zhurnal. 2007. № 1. S. 128–140 [Pislyakov V.V. Methods for Assessing Knowledge by Citation Indicators // Sociological Journal. 2007. № 1. P. 128–140.]
14. Cherdakova M.M., Kostrigin A.A. Bibliometricheskij analiz publikacij v sbornikah materialov konferencij “Istorija otechestvennoj i mirovoj psihologicheskoj mysli (Moskovskie vstrechi po istorii psihologii)” (2006, 2009, 2016) // Istorija rossijskoj psihologii v licah: Dajdzhest. 2017. № 4. S. 25–37 [Cherdakova M.M., Kostrigin A.A. Bibliometric Analysis of Publications in the Proceedings of the Conferences “History of Russian and World Psychological Thought (Moscow Meetings on the History of Psychology)” (2006, 2009, 2016) // History of Russian Psychology in Persons: Digest. 2017. № 4. P. 25–37.]
15. Burman J.T. What Is History of Psychology? Network Analysis of Journal Citation Reports, 2009–2015 // SAGE Open. 2018. Vol. 8. Is. 1.
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17. Flis I. Digital humanities as the Historian’s Trojan Horse: Response to commentary in the special section on digital history // History of Psychology. 2018. Vol. 21. Is. 4. Р. 380–383.
18. Green C.D. A digital future for the history of psychology? // History of Psychology. 2018. Vol. 19. Is. 3. Р. 209–219.
19. Hirsch J.E. An index to quantify an individual’s scientific research output // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2005. Vol. 102. Is. 46. Р. 16569–16572.
20. Krampen G. Scientometric trend analyses of publications on the history of psychology: Is psychology becoming an unhistorical science? // Scientometrics. 2016. Vol. 106. Is. 3. Р. 1217–1238.
21. Preckel F., Krampen G. Development and main topics of psychological giftedness research: A scientometric study of publications between 1980 and 2014 // Psychologische Rundschau. 2016. Vol. 67. Is. 1. Р. 1–14.
22. Rushton J.P. A Scientometric appreciation of H.J. Eysenk’s contributions to psychology // Personality and Individual Differences. 2001. Vol. 31. Is. 1. Р. 17–39.
23. Serova O. Scientific metric methods in historical psychological study // International Journal of Psychology. 2000. Vol. 35. Is. 3–4. P. 50.