Institutional factors in the development of the domestic history of psychology (on the material of the RSCI)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Associate Professor of the Organization of Continuing Education of the Faculty of Continuing Professional Education
Affiliation: Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University Ministry of Health of Russia
Address: Moscow, Ostrovityanova str., 1,
Occupation: Head of the Department of General Psychology and the History of Psychology
Affiliation: Moscow University for the Humanities
Address: Yunosti str., 5
Occupation: Professor, Scientific Adviser of Institute of Psychology RAS
Affiliation: Institute of Psychology RAS
Address: Yaroslavskaya str., 13, building 1
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 42 Issue 1

The article discusses bibliometric and scientometric indicators of an array of publications on the history of psychology, indexed by the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). The contribution of historical and psychological articles to formal indicators of the influence of scientific journals is shown. The organizations that make a significant contribution to the total number of historical and psychological publications are identified. The contribution of these organizations to formal indicators of the influence of the branch of the history of psychology as an array of publications indexed at the RSCI is also shown. 

Keywordshistory of psychology, H–index, impact factor, aggregate impact factor
AcknowledgmentThe study is supported by the grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research 19-013-00779
Publication date20.01.2021
Number of characters19246
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