The history of organization and beginning of activity of the institute of psychology of the Soviet Academy of sciences in documents and memories of contemporaries

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Principal Researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Moscow, Yaroslavskaya St., 13
Occupation: scientific supervisor of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Affiliation: Institute of Psychology RAS
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation: Junior Researcher, Laboratory of history of psychology and historical psychology
Affiliation: Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Yaroslavskaya str., 13
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 41 issue 5

Social-political, scientific and social-cultural prerequisites of creation of Research Institute of Psychology at the USSR Academy of Sciencesin 1971-1972 are considered. Archival documents are given: decrees, orders and reports of meetings of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, letters of the Presidium of the Soviet Academy of Sciences to the Central Committee of the CPSU, orders of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, reports of meetings of the Bureau of the Department of Philosophy and Law of the USSR Academy of Sciences regarding the creation and launch of the Institute of Psychology of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The first year of activity of the Institute of Psychology is represented by the staff of laboratories, reports of meetings of the Scientific Council and a report on research work. The emergence of the Institute of Psychology laid the foundations for the emergence of strong traditions of academic psychological science.

Keywordshistory of Soviet psychology, USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute of Psychology, B.F. Lomov, archival documents
AcknowledgmentThe research was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project № 20-013-00680 “The history of modern Russian academic psychology: scientific schools, personalities, determinants of development”)
Publication date13.09.2020
Number of characters36094
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