Recognition of complex sounds by their verbal portraits

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Chief researcher, laboratory of cognitive processes and mathematical psychology
Affiliation: Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Moscow, Yaroslavskaya St., 13
Occupation: Chief researcher, laboratory of cognitive processes and mathematical psychology
Affiliation: Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Yaroslavskaya St., 13
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 41 issue 5

We study the principles of constructing such descriptions (verbal portraits) of perceived complex sounds that would allow other people to recognize these sounds. In the framework of the approach of the perceived quality of the natural environment, a statement has been formulated that the source of information about subjectively significant characteristics of objects is free verbalizations obtained by the perception and comparison of different objects. Experiments were performed to recognize sounds by their verbal portraits in two situations (when pairwise listening and when listening in context). It is shown that a verbal portrait of sound, constructed according to its pairwise comparison with other sounds, turns out to be quite informative when it is recognized in a situation of listening to it paired with another sound. At the same time, in a situation of sound recognition when listening to it in the context of more than two similar sounds, such verbal portraits turned out to be much less informative. The principles of adjusting descriptors in verbal portraits are proposed, which are based on such changes in descriptor wording that will facilitate the use of a comparison method that is typical for the perception of an object in a similar context, and not for its pairwise listening situation. The effectiveness of such descriptor changes has been experimentally proven.

Keywordsperception, sound, communication, comparison, free verbalizations, perceived quality, verbal portrait, perceptual reconstruction
AcknowledgmentThe study was carried out within the framework of the State Assignment, project No. 0159-2019-0009 “Multidimensionality of cognitive processes in communication”. Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Publication date13.09.2020
Number of characters38951
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