Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: leading research fellow
Affiliation: Federal State-financed Establishment of Science, Institute of Psychology RAS
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Affiliation: Federal State-financed Establishment of Science, Institute of Psychology RAS
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation: senior research fellow
Affiliation: Federal State-financed Establishment of Science, Institute of Psychology RAS
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation: senior research fellow
Affiliation: Federal State-financed Establishment of Science, Institute of Psychology RAS
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Federal State-financed Establishment of Science, Institute of Psychology RAS
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation: associated research fellow
Affiliation: Federal State-financed Establishment of Science, Institute of Psychology RAS
Address: Russian Federation
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 40 issue 3

The results of a number of experimental researches in perception of sound physical characteristics are presented. Given that such physical characteristics of sound as signals’ frequency, their intensity and duration have an effect of perception it is unclear which characteristics of real sound in each specific case have greater impact on its perception and evaluation. Principle of isolated variation of different parameters of sound with experimental control of the others has been proposed for an in-depth study of psycho physiological mechanisms of sound perception. The examples and results of study in three directions are presented: a) subjective localization of perceived acoustic stimulus in man’s body; b) intensity and tempo of acoustic stimulus in their joint influence on human’s body; c) study of tonality phenomena, search for psycho physiological mechanisms of major and minor perception. It is shown that all three main characteristics of sound jointly influence on its perception but their roles are different. The results are discussed from resource-oriented perspective.

Keywordspsychoacoustic, psycho physiology, body localization of sound
AcknowledgmentSince 2016 the work has been supported by the RFBR grant No. 16-06-00487
Publication date25.04.2019
Number of characters32655
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