Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Head of the chair of Department of Educational psychology and Pedagogy, Faculty of Psychology
Affiliation: LomonosovMoscow State University
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Occupation: Postgraduate student of the faculty of psychology
Affiliation: LomonosovMoscow State University
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation: Junior researcher of Department of Educational psychology and Pedagogy, Faculty of Psychology
Affiliation: LomonosovMoscow State University
Address: Russian Federation
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 40 issue 3

The article presents a review aimed at studying the relationship between the indicators of preschool language development and components of executive functions (EF). The relevance of this work is due to the results of the latest research, which revealed the importance of the development of speech and the EF for the child's adaptation to school, the development of social interaction and planning skills. The paper presents data from 26 studies wich were conducted from 2003 to 2018 years. The generalization of the results of these works expands and clarifies the accepted theoretical ideas about relationship of language development indicators (phonetic, lexical, symbolic) with the components of EF in preschool.Review shows that the normative language development is the base for developing of self-regulation skills. which then become the driving force of the development of speech. The EF allows the child to focus on interaction with adults, ensure reliable memorization of visual and auditory information, contribute to the development of arbitrariness and planning, which ensures the further course of language development

Keywordspreschool age, language development, vocabulary, execuitive functions, working memory, inhibition control, switching
AcknowledgmentThe study was supported by RFBR grant No. 17-29-09112\18.
Publication date25.04.2019
Number of characters19348
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