Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: sociology, psychology and social management chair
Affiliation: Federal State University “Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)”
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Occupation: professor, general psychology and psychology of labor chair
Affiliation: Independent University “Russian New University”
Address: Moscow, Radio str., 22, Russia
Occupation: associate professor, sociology, psychology and social management chair
Affiliation: Federal State University “Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)”
Address: Moscow, Volokolamskoe shosse, b. 4, Russia
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 40 Issue 2

The article is devoted to memorable date in the history of domestic aviation psychology – to publication of “Essays on psychology for pilots” in 1948 – the first comprehensive training manual in which psychological grounds of aviation profession were disclosed by K.K. Platonov and L.M. Shvаrts. Facts concerning ideological repressions in the late 1930s are presented in the context of development of the scientific field; heroic biographies of the authors – prominent domestic psychologists, participants on the Great Patriotic War are described. The structure of the work as well as main theoretical foundations and psychological regularities that were defined by the authors are presented. Methodological significance of the work in the context of aviation psychology development is stated; development of present-day scientific conceptions is described and their application in practice of ground crew training is presented.

Keywords aviation psychology, psychology of air labor, psychology of flying training, flying skills, flying abilities.
Publication date25.03.2019
Number of characters17465
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