Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: professor, psychiatry chair
Affiliation: Kursk State Medical University
Address: Kursk, Russian Federation
Occupation: head of psychiatry chair
Affiliation: Kursk State Medical University
Address: Kursk, Russian Federation
Occupation: associate professor, psychiatry chair
Affiliation: Kursk State Medical University
Address: Kursk, Russian Federation
Occupation: professor, pathophysiology chair
Affiliation: Kursk State Medical University
Address: Kursk, Russian Federation
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 40 Issue 2

Cognitive style (CS) concrete/abstract conceptualization has been studied on the sample of 805 students of medical university. Possibility of evaluation of CS under study as individual way of information processing by means of authors procedure for discrimination of notions’ properties is grounded. For this purpose comparison of concrete/abstract conceptualization cognitive style with the other ones (restrictive/flexible control, reflectivity/impulsivity,narrow/broad categorization), with personal (temperament) peculiarities and with psychophysiological indices (EEG, сardiointervalographyrheoencephalography, body tetrapolar rheography, ABP) as well has been done. Quadra-polarity of concrete/abstract conceptualization cognitive style has been demonstrated empirically. Preference of the cognitive style to psychometric abilities for generalization has been shown. Correspondence of abstractness and concreteness to other measured indices is described. The conclusion that concrete/abstract conceptualization cognitive style measured by means of procedure for discrimination of notions’ properties meets the criteria for cognitive style as an integrative characteristic of individuality is drawn.

Keywords cognitive style, concrete/abstract conceptualization, personality (temperament), electrocortical activity, sympathicotonia, parasympathicotonia.
Publication date25.03.2019
Number of characters29974
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