Coherence of individual and cultural values as a factor of protection of adolescents from bullying in the school environment

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: head of general psychology chair, Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social technologies
Affiliation: Udmurt State University
Address: 426034, Izhevsk, Universitetskaya str., 1, Russia.
Occupation: Post-graduate at general psychology chair, Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social technologies
Affiliation: Udmurt State University
Address: Russian Federation, 426034, Izhevsk, Universitetskaya str., 1, Russia
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 39 №4

 The results of analysis of mutual compatibility of juveniles’ cultural and personal values as a factor of their safety against destructions in educational relations are presented. The hypothesis that matching of students’ values at individual and cultural levels in monocultural educational environment will provide their psychological safety against destructions in their relations with peers and teachers has been tested. 187 teenagers (75 boys, 112 girls) aged 14–17 years (M = 15.6, Med = 16, SD = 1.04), students of educational organizations with ethno-cultural components in which curricula includes in-depth study of native (for the teenager) languages and culture (Udmurt, Tatar, Russian) participated in the research. Based on clustering all students have been divided into four groups with conditional names: mature (mutual compatibility of values at each level); hedonists (excessive values of pleasure and enjoyment at each level); maximalists (excessive values of individualist values at each level); nihilists (incompatibility of values at each level). As the result of multiple regression analysis it has been stated: 1) values of subject’s regulation – Independence, Stimulation (accounts for 26% of the variability) are the factors of psychological safety against destruction in “student–student” educational relations in all groups; 2) consistent (mutually compatible) individual and cultural values (accounts for 25% of the variability) are the factors of psychological safety against destruction in “student–teacher” educational relations in all groups. 

Keywordsmonocultural educational environment, educational relations, psychological security, psychological safety, consistency of values, individual differences, high school age
Publication date14.10.2018
Number of characters1665
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