The Black Sea: Ups-and-Downs in Domestic Fishery

Publication type Article
Status Published
Institute of Geography, RAS
P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal namePriroda
EditionIssue №8

The retrospective historical and geographical analysis of Black Sea domestic fishery development has been made from the moment of fall of the Crimean Khanate in 1783 till the beginning of XXI-st century. The structure and species composition of commercial biological resources of the Black Sea have been analyzed. The geography, catch composition, dimensions and fishing methods (gears) during spontaneous (consumer-oriented) Russian Empire fishery have been investigated. The comparative analysis of its quantitative and qualitative characteristics in the main fishing areas of the northern Black Sea region and on the Caucasian coast has been carried out. The results of early Soviet scientific fishery research on the state and structure of resource base in the main traditional fishing areas have been analyzed. The catch statistics for the main commercial species from the mid-1920s to 1940 has been studied. Based on the analysis of fishery resources, the catch structure and production output of the main fishery objects have been estimated; the periods with predominance of different high-priority fishery objects have been identified; the mechanisms, chronology, and causes of the changes (succession) of the top- priority objects of fishery in the second half of the 20th century for bonito, large scad, bluefish, chub mackerel, and some low -abundant but valuable by their tastiness fish species, including surmullet, mullets, and sturgeons have been established. The con sequences of natural and anthropogenic changes, resulted in crisis of fishery industry in 1989–1991 and its transi tion to depressive state in the late 20th century have been assessed.


Keywordsthe Black Sea, history of fishery, commercial fishery objects, the geography of fisheries
Publication date04.10.2018
Number of characters1369
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