Mongolian Notes, or In the Country of Ancient Cattle Culture

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Vavilov Institute of General Genetics
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Occupation: Director, Autonomous Nonprofit Organization “Conservation of National Biological Resources — “Curators”
Affiliation: Autonomous Nonprofit Organization “Conservation of National Biological Resources — “Curators”
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal namePriroda
EditionIssue №12

The study of the breed diversity and gene pool of Central Asian domestic animals, conducted by Russian geneticists in the first half of the XXth century, are resumed in our days. The article tells about the livestock expedition to Mongolia, held in 2017, and about local people, who took an active part in the field research of Russian scientists. Animal blood sampling allowed to create a special genetic bank to assess the quality of breeding material, which is available to mongolian cattle breeders.

Keywordsgrazing, breeder cattle diversity of domesticated animals, gene pool of domesticated animals, Mongolian livestock expedition
Publication date14.01.2019
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