Analysis of Sino-Russian Space Cooperation in the New Period

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Second-year Ph.D. Candidate
Affiliation: Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
Address: Guangzhou, China
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 3

The current security situation in space is worrying. Western countries, led by the US, are forming alliances and accelerating the militarisation of space, which could trigger an arms race in space and intensify competition and games between space powers, creating hidden threats to space security. Against this backdrop, the cooperation between Russia and China, which are representatives of space powers that have always strongly advocated the peaceful use of outer space and the prevention of weaponization and arms race in space, has made significant gains in the new period by strengthening the space power of them, continuously deepening the bilateral relations and maintaining space security. More importantly, Russia and China have a good history of aerospace associations, and both of them are aerospace powers and have a firm willingness to cooperate in this field, so the two countries have good objective and subjective conditions for space cooperation. As for the specific ways of cooperation, on the one hand, the two countries should make use of their technological advantages in the new period on deep space exploration, space station technology, joint research and development of key technologies. On the other hand, the two countries should further deepen cooperation in maintaining space security,working together to preserve the outer space for humanity.

KeywordsChina, Russia, space cooperation, space security
Publication date28.06.2023
Number of characters33747
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