Japan's Approaches to International Cooperation in the Field of Cybersecurity: the Case of ASEAN

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Teaching assistant of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations
Affiliation: RUDN University
Address: Russian Federation, 117198, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 2

The article studies the main approaches of the Japanese state to solving problems in the field of cybersecurity through developing appropriate strategies and programs, deepening international cooperation to counter the threats of cybercrime and information security. The evolution of national strategies and international agreements in the field of cybersecurity and the dynamics of the development of key approaches to information security policy are considered.

Regarding the growth of the malicious use of cyberspace by international terrorists and cybercriminals for destructive purposes, the problem of combining international efforts in the fight against cyber-attacks on critical information infrastructure is of relevance. Japan has been subjected to cyber-attacks at the state level in the past but over the past decade, threats to government institutions have become more widespread and alarming. In pursuance of personal data and intellectual property protection, the Japanese state is strengthening its defense potential by expanding the capabilities of government agencies and the Self-Defense Forces.

Japan's international cooperation in the field of cybersecurity is considered on the example of ASEAN, including its cooperation within the framework of the RCEP agreement, considering not only the geographical proximity with the association countries and the close economic ties with them, but also the effective interaction and extensive contacts in the field of cybersecurity as a member country of the CPTPP at the highest levels.


The author compares the RCEP and the CPTPP key approaches to the issues of cyber security and information sovereignty, identifying the main contradictions between the participants in these multilateral initiatives that unite the key players in the Asia-Pacific region, one of which is Japan.

KeywordsJapan; cybersecurity; Japan's new cybersecurity strategy; international relations; ASEAN; RCEP, CPTPP
AcknowledgmentThis article was prepared with the support of RFBR-EISI within research project No. 21-011-31812 opn “Simulation of the spread of social norms and values: global communications VS information sovereignty of the Russian Federation”.
Publication date19.04.2022
Number of characters35858
100 rub.
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