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1. . Здесь и далее имеется в виду только материковый Китай, Тайвань, Гонконг и Макао.
2. . Фунт стерлингов.
3. . Под доходной недвижимостью здесь понимаются крупные, профессионально управляемые ак-тивы.
4. . The Size and Structure of the UK Property Market: End-2017 Update. Investment Property Forum. 12.2018. URL: https://www.ipf.org.uk/ resourceLibrary/ the-size—-structure-of-the-uk-property-market—-year-end-2017-update.html.
5. . Hilber C.A.L., Vermeulen W. The impact of supply constraints on house prices in England. CPB Dis-cussion Paper. 2012. P. 1. URL: https://www.cpb.nl/ sites/ default/ files/ publicaties/ download/ cpb-discussion-paper-219-impact-supply-constraints-house-prices-england_0.pdf.
6. . Hilber C.A.L., Vermeulen W. The impact of restricting housing supply on house prices and affordability. London: Department for Communities and Local Government. 2010. P. 7.
7. . Hilber C. UK Housing and Planning Policies: the evidence from economic research. LSE: London. 2015. P. 4.
8. . Ibid. P. 1.
9. . В Великобритании финансовый год считается с 1 апреля по 31 марта.
10. . Table 120: components of housing supply; net additional dwellings, England 2006–07 to 2017–18. URL: https://www.gov.uk/ government/ statistical-data-sets/ live-tables-on-net-supply-of-housing.
11. . Wilson W., Barton C. Tackling the under-supply of housing in England. Briefing paper № 07671. Lon-don: House of Commons Briefing Paper. 2018. P. 10–12.
12. . HM Land Registry ведет такую статистику с октября 2013 г., данные за более ранние периоды не учтены.
13. . Firms on Caribbean island chain own 23,000 UK properties. 13.02.2018. URL: https://www.bbc.com/ news/ business-42666274.
14. . Draft Registration of Overseas Entities Bill: government response to Joint Committee report. Policy pa-per. 18.07.2019. URL: https://www.gov.uk/ government/ publications/ draft-registration-of-overseas-entities-bill-government-response-to-joint-committee-report.
15. . London's Overseas Buyers. Savills UK. 14.08.2014. URL: https://www.savills.co.uk/ insight-and-opinion/ savills-news/ 132747–1/ london-s-overseas-buyers.
16. . Wallace A., Rhodes D., Webber R. Overseas investors in London`s new build housing market. Centre for Housing Policy, University of York, York. 2017. P. 7–8. URL: https://www.london.gov.uk/ moderngovmb/ documents/ s58641/ 08b2c%20University%20of%20York%20data%20report.pdf.
17. . Proportion of overseas based landlords halves since 2010. Hamptons International. 18.08.2018. URL: https://www.hamptons.co.uk/ news-research/ press-releases/ august-18–2018/.
18. . Chinese buy-to-let investors flocking to Manchester as enquiries rise 250%. 20.03.2018. URL: https://www.buyassociation.co.uk/ 2018/ 03/ 20/ chinese-buy-to-let-investors-flocking-to-manchester-as-enquiries-rise-250/.
19. . Wilson W., Barton C. Foreign investment in UK residential property. Briefing paper № 07723. London: House of Commons Briefing Paper. 2017. P. 5.
20. . Stop rich overseas investors from buying up UK homes, report urges. 01.02.2014. URL: https://www.theguardian.com/ business/ 2014/ feb/ 01/ rich-overseas-investors-uk-eu-housing-market.
21. . Wilson W., Barton C. Foreign investment in UK… P. 2–3.
22. . Londoners will get «first dibs» on new-build homes up to ?350,000. 05.02.2018. URL: https://www.standard.co.uk/ news/ london/ londoners-will-get-first-dibs-on-newbuild-homes-up-to-350000-a3758126.html.
23. . Hamnett C., Reades J. Mind the gap: implications of overseas investment for regional house price di-vergence in Britain. Housing studies. Vol. 34. 2019. P. 393–395.
24. . «Dismay doesn`t do it justice»: how a secret system was used to axe hundreds of affordable homes. 26.05.2015. URL: https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/ stories/ 2015–05–26/ dismay-doesnt-do-it-justice-how-a-secret-system-was-used-to-axe-hundreds-of-affordable-homes-on-britains-most-iconic-construction-site.
25. . Налоговые системы Англии, Шотландии, Уэльса и Северной Ирландии имеют некоторые отли-чия. В связи с концентрацией в Англии иностранных инвестиций в сфере недвижимости здесь приводятся основные положения налоговой системы Англии.
26. . Freehold — безусловное право собственности на землю и построенного на нем здания. Leasehold — пользование на правах долгосрочной аренды в течение определенного срока (обыч-но 99 или 125 лет).
27. . History of stamp duty taxes. URL: https://www.stampdutyrates.co.uk/ historic-rates.html.
28. . Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings. 20.03.2014. URL: https://www.gov.uk/ guidance/ annual-tax-on-enveloped-dwellings-the-basics.
29. . Graeme Blair. Non-resident corporate landlords tax changes coming. 25.06.2018. URL: https://www.goodmanjones.com/ blog/ non-resident-corporate-landlords-tax-changes-coming/.
30. . Inheritance tax on UK residential property and related finance. KPMG. 10.2017. URL: https://home.kpmg/ content/ dam/ kpmg/ uk/ pdf/ 2017/ 03/ inheritance-tax-on-uk-residential-property-and-related-finance.pdf.
31. . UK hotels prove resilient to market headwinds. Savills UK. 18.01.2019. URL: https://www.savills.co.uk/ blog/ article/ 273859/ commercial-property/ uk-hotels-prove-resilient-to-market-headwinds.aspx.
32. . UK hotel investment report Q1 2018. Savills UK. 13.03.2018. URL: https://www.savills.co.uk/ re-search_articles/ 229130/ 228411–0.
33. . UK hotel investment report 2019. Savills UK. 23.01.2019. URL: https://www.savills.co.uk/ re-search_articles/ 229130/ 274445–0.
34. . Включены в статистику с 1997 г. после передачи Гонконга под юрисдикцию КНР.
35. . Cooper A., Cowling A. China's property market. Reserve Bank of Australia. 2015. URL: https://www.rba.gov.au/ publications/ bulletin/ 2015/ mar/ 5.html.
36. . Chinese outward real estate investment: after the initial waves, what`s next? Knight Frank report. 2015. URL: https://content.knightfrank.com/ research/ 736/ documents/ en/ chinese-outward-real-estate-investment-2533.pdf.
37. . Hong Kong beats US and UK as top destination for Chinese property capital. 02.08.2018. URL: https://hongkongbusiness.hk/ commercial-property/ news/ hong-kong-beats-us-and-uk-top-destination-chinese-property-capital.
38. . Chinese cut realty buys outside mainland. 10.06.2019. URL: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/ a/ 201906/ 10/ WS5cfdc35da310176577230415.html.
39. . China could step up UK investment after regulations relaxed in Beijing. 14.06.2018. URL: https://www.buyassociation.co.uk/ 2018/ 06/ 14/ china-could-step-up-uk-investment-after-regulations-relaxed-in-beijing/.