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1. . For more details see: Shehueizhuyi zai Zhungguo (19191965): [Socialism in China (19191965]. Guang-zhou, 2014. P. 295296.
2. . In the same place. S. 324325.
3. . See: Zhongguo Tongji Nianjian - 1981: [Chinese Statistical Yearbook - 1981]. Beijing, 1982, pp. 1213.
4. . In the same place. S. 21.
5. . In the same place. S. 421.
6. . See: The history of China from ancient times to the beginning of the XXI century. T. 9: Reforms and Modernization (19762009) / ed. A.V. Vinogradov. M., "Science", 2016. S. 256257.
7. . See: 19962050-Nyan. Zhongguo jingji shehui fazhan zhanliue - zouxiang xiandaihui go-wuxiang: [19962050 The strategy of social and economic development of China - the concept of the path to modernization] / ed. Li Chengxun. Beijing, 1997. S. 3638.
8. . In the same place. S. 3940.
9. . See: Zhongguo Tongji Zhaiyao - 2018 (Chinese Statistical Directory 2018). Beijing, 2018.S. 2122.
10. . See: Zhongguo Tongji Zhaiyao - 2011 (Chinese Statistical Handbook - 2011). Beijing, 2011.S. 26.
11. . See: Zhongguo Tongji Zhaiyao - 2011 ... pp. 103104, 106; Zhongguo tongji zhayao ... S. 64.
12. . For more details see: Ostrovsky A.V. The PRC Law on Individual Income Tax // Problems of the Far East. 2019. No. 2. P. 7576; 2018-nyan gomin jingji hehehui fazhan tunzi zi baogao: [Statistical report of the socio-economic development of the PRC in 2018] / GSU PRC. February 28, 2019
13. . See: Zhongguo Tongji Zhaiyao - 2018 ... S. 3637.
14. . See: For more, see: Zhongguo Diacha Baogao. 20002001 Xin Xinsheng Renmin Neibu Maodun Yanju: [China Survey Report. The study of contradictions within the people in the new situation in 2000-2001] / ed. Yu Yunyao. Beijing: Zhongyang Bianyi Chubanshe, 2001.
15. . See: Guangming Ribao. 12/24/1998.
16. . See: Zhungong Zhongyang guanyu wanshan shehueizhuyi shichan jingji tizzhi zhogan wenti de jueding: [Decision of the CPC Central Committee on some issues of improving the system of socialist market economy]. Beijing, 2003. C. 1214.
17. . See: Tsushi. 1999. No. 6. C. 20.
18. . See: Zhongguo Tongji Nianjian - 2016: [Chinese Statistical Yearbook, 2016]. Beijing, 2016. C. 948.
19. . See: Huanqiu Shibao. 10/25/2017.
20. . See: 19962050 China's Social and Economic Development Strategy ... C. 2425.