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1. See: Zhongguo Tunji Nianjian - 1981: [Chinese Statistical Yearbook - 1981]. Beijing: Zhongguo Tunzi Chubanshe, 1982. p. 422, 431.
2. See: Zhongguo Tungzi Zhiayao - 2018: [Chinese Statistical Reference Book - 2018]. Beijing: Zhongguo Tunji Chubanshe, 2018. C. 57.
3. People's Daily. 05.11.2002.
4. Li Chonglin. Dynamics of changes in middle-income strata in China // Russia and China: Middle-income strata in Russia and China: position, dynamics, features of world view / Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences. M .: New chronograph, 2018. p. 82.
5. Dandai Zhongguo hehui jieqing yanju baogao: [Report on the study of the social strata of modern China] / ed. Lu Xuei. Beijing: Shehui Kesue Wenxuan Chubanshe, 2002. pp. 1114, 26.
6. For details, see: Shevel I. Reforming personal income tax in China // Problems of the Far East. 2006. No. 6. P. 5159.
7. See: Zhongguo tuntszi zhayyao - 2018 ... C. 5862.
8. Ibid. C. 58.
9. Ibid. Pp. 3637.
10. For more information about working in the individual and private sector in the mid-1980s, see: Ostrovsky A.V. Formation of the labor market in the PRC. Moscow: IFES RAS, 2003. p. 228241.
11. See: Zhongguo tuntszi zhayyao - 2018 ... C. 39.
12. See: Zhonghua Renmin Gunhego Geozhen Sodashuyf: [Law of the People's Republic of China on Personal Income Tax]. Beijing: Renmin Chubanshe, 2018. pp. 1415.
13. See: Zhongguo Tuntszi Zhaiyao - 2018 ... C. 55.