Late Modernity and the Boundaries of Habitual Capitalism: in Search for Non-economic Factors of Development

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Deputy Director
Affiliation: Institute of Philosophy and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences (Ural Branch)
Address: S. Kovalevskaya str., 16. 620990, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Journal nameObshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost
EditionIssue 1

It seems that global exhaustion of the traditional models of economic growth, allowing enhancing a welfare state, will lead to a need to review a model of human development centered on economics. Among the incentives for the development of post-industrial societies non-economic factors that are reflected in the concepts of social (human) capital and are based on the available public goods to citizens become increasingly important. However, the increase of social capital, the development of new virtues, improving the mechanisms of social order are increasingly restricted by the Procrustean bed of the basic for social sciences neo-liberal model of «homo economicus» as a rational egoist. Within this context the inevitability of revenge of communitarian perspectives and reserves for increase of collective utility in growing global economic stagnation is argued.

These are the values aimed on more egalitarian principles of justice, the progressive tax scale, distribution of public resources, strengthening the regulatory functions of state, social support of growing preсariat and orientation of citizens to post-materialist values and virtues, interpersonal and institutional trust.

Keywordstrust, communitarianism, Modernity, late capitalism, post-material values, progress, post-materialist values, social capital
Publication date17.02.2017
Number of characters1344
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